So, in the story, are there a lot of "Maw Walkers" - Story Spoilers in here

I notice NPCs saying "wow thanks, you found me a Maw Walker, as if there are a lot of them.

If there are, I’m glad as I always despise being the chosen one in an MMO, it breaks my immersion

And in addition, how does one get to become a maw walker, what is the criteria for the gates to escape the maw to activate?


Posting from my own discord.

Its pretty much implied that there is no “SINGLE” maw walker but many. Especially with the threads of fate stuff.


So essentially the whole “nobody escapes the maw” thing means “nobody escapes the maw…unless you are a maw walker but we try not to talk about them unless one actually shows up.”

Maybe it is something like the Planeswalker spark in Magic: the Gathering. No real rhyme or reason to why a person has it; just sort of something that occasionally happens in the multiverse.


That stuff was just marketing tbh.



It also looks like that we aren’t the first Maw Walkers either. When you rescue the allies of Prince Renathal one of them asks, and I paraphrase here,

“So what do we do now. We cannot escape the Maw unless we have a…”
“A Maw Walker, yes. But, luckily I have one right here.”


I think they just assumed we were tired of being called Champions.

They were right.


I mean a lot of NPCs remark upon how Azeroth seems to be the universe’s hero factory. Most of the movers and shakers in SL come from there.

The Jailor if anything seems a little foolish for involving Slyvanas. Why invite throngs of heroes to come invade tour reality?


If he had chosen someone from a planet we’d never heard of, we would never know about it and no one could stop him.

Kind of an oopsie on his part.

It seems either consuming or converting Azeroth’s world soul to his cause is vital to his ultimate plans in some manner. Sadly for him Azeroth is really good at creating herself the best defense force one could ask for.


Oh, gosh! We’re unborn titan antibodies?



Part of that is just the story always singling out our character as special but also trying to be an MMO with bunches of people everywhere. Sufficed to say I think there are just supposed to be two Maw Walkers; the PC and Sylvanas (and in her case it’s really just that she’s gotten the Jailers permission to come and go). “Everyone else” has arrived since we got the portals up and running, like Calia and Taelia did, and are traveling to the other realms to lend their help. Just like it says in the Threads of Fate intro.

Of course that doesn’t really explain why you run into plenty of other people in the Maw. Aside from that it would be really boring if you were there completely alone and WoW is still a gameplay first video game. So I would just say that’s a non-canon game play element. Like every paladin having an Ashbringer in Legion, for instance.


I mean… sort of? We are like Maldraxxus, but for one planet. We just kill anything that invades.


I’m under the impression that there is ONE Maw-Walker hero, while everyone else who joins us from Azeroth are reinforcements. The mortals must choose covenants not only to offer more security to other sections of the Shadowlands. But also further understand Azeroth’s denizens on a more living stand.

The Maw-Walker player / Hero is still the chosen hero or whatever. You just simply bring your allies along to assist you.

If that’s the case, why would multiple NPCs be specifiying you as a Maw Walker and such as if there’s multiple around?

Given that the game treats you as the first, and the news of Maw Walkers spreading. I wouldn’t put much stock in it being a bewildering title. Maw Walkers begin to expand as the secret to transporting to and from the Maw becomes easier.

You will remain as THE Maw-Walker. As the covenant you serve isn’t solely just dependent on you and you alone.

The Maw Walker is a wavicle.

There are one or many, depending on how the question is asked.

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my guess: there’s only one chosen hero that can activate artifacts of the First Ones, but all mortals directly brought into the Shadowlands have some unique traits that can be used as a result of still being alive.

It is more like no one has escape the Maw…until now.

At that point in time nearly every death realm has learned about the existence of the Maw Walkers. I assume both Alliance and Horde sent some of their best heroes to try and deal with the problems of the Afterlife.

Well, as it’s said in the story your PC is the first Maw Walker.

Presumably the others come after you.

Still, the ability to activate that Waystone exit is implied to be special somehow.

I don’t think there are a lot of Maw Walkers around. There might be more than one. That is pretty unclear. However it is pretty clear that they are pretty rare, even from the folks from Azeroth. Remember out of all the NPCs that came with us, none of them could open the way.