… in the next patch the Tarragrue’s approach will not be heralded by his mighty footsteps but instead he’ll be playing the accordion which will get louder the closer he gets to you.
Also, the Jailer will now wear a jaunty beret and speak with a French accent.
Also, I may not know how to mine data, and could just be making this up. We may never know.
The rumor has it that there will be tacos in the new patch is this true?
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The rumor come out! Does Tarragrue is clown shoes?
If the Tarragrue is not playing an accordion during his raid fight I’ll be disappointed now.
While they’re at it, give Kel’thuzad some bagpipes.
And give Sylvanas a bass guitar.
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The jailer is a secret admirer of trolls. He has an affinity for their halitosis.
Cackles and wiggles toes
You clearly have found a pick axe of suitable durability for your Data Mining. And a quality sifter. None should question the accuracy.
I hope it’s singing “when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie that’s a moreeey” wait that’s Italian. Sorry I’m American.