So I'm gonna get flamed for this but

Unpopular opinion time! The Alliance got the better race. Vulpera are dumb…

Vulpera might be the race that gets me to play Horde.

I thought I hated mechagnomes at first when I heard it, it sounded like a lazy effort. But after seeing them myself firsthand. I correct my opinion and say they look pretty cool.

Can’t wait to see some little full on cyborg gnomes running around.

Nearly all of my class alts are goblin. With their new model update making the males too cute, I’m gonna make them Vulpera for sure.

Big excite.

I envy you.

I hate all gnomes. But, I accept them as races/allied races. I am fine with Vulpera. I dunno why people are so upset.

Gonna wait to see how many people who love Mechagnomes actually roll one as a main.

Oh I wont make one unless they can be mecha druids. But I would love to see them run around.

Yes, totally, because if you love a race but don’t main them, your opinion is instantly invalid.

Oh me? A Zandalari fan? Quiet. You can’t have that opinion because you’re an Orc.


Mechagnomes are ugly and Vulpera are kawaii.

i mean…i like vulpera.

anything gnome related should be punted to the furthest ends of the galaxy though

I wanted mechavulpera. After being nearly exterminated by the alliance we have the technology, we can rebuilded them.

I am 100% going to roll a Mechagnome.