So, if the Chinese Zodiac mount trend continues

Yeah. A Chinese dragon. So like, the fiftieth Cloud Serpent recolor. Oh, but this one has a new hat!

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this is what i thought when i saw that I was like oh great another serpent reskin

I’m a Tiger, so if WoW can hold my interest long enough, I hope to see it as stunning as the rest of the mounts.

HaHa you can’t touch a Magic Rooster TCG card for less then $2,500 dollars or max amount of 10 Million gold on the AH…I got my Magic Rooster Egg during WoD for 240K on the AH.

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Damn it, I’m too tired for necro threads! I just liked a bunch of year old comments!


Too bad his name was not obvious enough…

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The five elements of the Chinese Zodiac are Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth. Each one is linked in what’s referred to as the Generating Cycle and the Controlling Cycle.

In terms of association with the Zodiac animals, it’s this:

Metal: Monkey and Rooster
Earth: Dog, Ox, Sheep
Fire: Snake, Horse
Water: Rat, Pig
Wood: Tiger, Dragon, Rabbit

And these are just the “fixed ones”. There are many variations in elements and animals.

I don’t recall a “Year of the Giraffe”

Better than being a goat.

I like goats tho


WoW’s an institution by this point - Blizzard would have to suffer an Atarian fall from grace before talk of it ending would be something to take seriously.

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Hopefully a real dragon and not a drake.
Deathwing is the only real dragon mount we have?

Folks, this is how you Necro a thread.

Yes I want snake mount. :snake:

We don’t even have one snake mount. :disappointed:

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It means you will play a Tauren. It can’t be a coincidence!

If they are following the current zodiac calendar we will be waiting a LONG time.

Thank you. Every culture has interesting things to learn about.

Well, there is a pig and a rat.

it was meant to be a more subdued reaction gif compared to this one :smiley_cat:

Too bad that the route they’ve gone has been:

Rat: Wind
Pig: Stone/Earth
Ox: Metal/Gold