So I was playing around with the GPT open A.I. thing

Never wrote any script in my life but gave this GPT thing a try. I wanted a simple script to play a sound when Draconium ore shows up on my minimap. This is what it wrote for me:

– Initialize variables
local OreName = “Draconium Ore”
local AlertSound = “Sound\Doodad\BellTollNightElf.wav” – Change this to the desired sound file

– Set up event handler
local function OnUpdate(self, elapsed)
– Check if the minimap ore is on the minimap
if Minimap:GetTrackingTexture():IsShown() then
– Get the name of the tracked resource
local trackedResource = GetTrackedAchievement().name

-- Check if the tracked resource is the ore we're looking for
if trackedResource == OreName then
  -- Play the alert sound


– Create a frame to listen for the OnUpdate event
local frame = CreateFrame(“FRAME”)
frame:SetScript(“OnUpdate”, OnUpdate)

No… it doesn’t work. I’m not getting any errors or anything unusual. It does absolutely nothing. I guess the point I’m trying to make is you still need some basic scripting knowledge to get GPT to create a “working” script for you. For total noobs like me, it seems useless.

Any of you pros know how far off the script was from actually working? What would get it to work? All I wanted was a simple sound to play when draconium shows up on my minimap.

Is GPT an addon? If so you could go to the addon’s webpage and post questions to the author.

The only addon that I found that it might be is called “Gather Panel” which has a /gpt command. Based on it’s description Gather Panel doesn’t alert you to resource nodes appearing on the minimap but just counts how much of an object you have in all your characters.

GetTrackingTexture and GetTrackedAchievement don’t appear to be part of the WoW api based on my searches. I’m assuming that the GPT author wrote those and you would need to look at the function code or speak with the author on how they work and what they return.

Based on their name alone, they don’t seem resource node (like draconium ore) related and wouldn’t return info about them.

Chat GPT is terrible at writing usable code. It’s great at writing things that look like usable code, if you don’t know how to code.

GPT is the new artificial intelligence by Open A.I. that answers your questions. You literally type in your question and it gives you some interesting answers. It can solve math problems, write code, etc…

While I see that ChatGPT supports lua, googling “chatgpt support wow” or “chatgpt support world of warcraft” comes up with nothing but an occasional other user’s wishful thinking. I would conclude that ChatGPT does not support the WoW api at all and cannot be used for creating addons for wow.

The sound file name needs double backslashes and should be .ogg:

local AlertSound = “Sound\\Doodad\\BellTollNightElf.ogg”

What did you do with the script code?

Maybe copy/paste it to the website to create/download it as an addon with the extra “plumbing” required for it to actually load and run?

That was exactly my point. The code looks great for a noob who never wrote a script in his life, but seems to me none of it ever works. At least not in this game. I’m actually surprised I didn’t get any errors running it.

I guess that’s a good start for A.I.
Don’t break what’s working!

If the sound file name was the only thing wrong, then as far as addons go, it didn’t have any errors. Playing no sound is the expected resonse to trying to play a file that doesn’t exist or is of (internally) unusable type, no matter who/what created the code.

I tried to experiment with it myself. I wanted to create a KGpanels for dummies kind of thing with WA kind of functionality, but yeah I have to be really specific with the kinds of questions I ask it. Best way I can describe what I want.

So far, I’ve managed a couple of lines of code that work, but I can’t figure out how to fully get what I have o far to work.

If you post what you have so far with some information on what you’re looking to achieve, you might get some ideas on where to take the code.

But understand that both KGPanels and WA are large and complex addons that require a significant understanding of how the WoW UI/API works and both have some very smart HI behind them.

it would need to be trained on the wow api to give better answers on it.

it is designed to make responses that look realistic - that doesnt mean those responses are actually real, or in terms of code, would actually work. it just has to look like it would.