You make it sound so easy but you forget one thing. There are people that grew up in America and still don’t know super basic things like the difference between “then” and “than” or “your” and “you’re”.
Surely you can empathize…
You make it sound so easy but you forget one thing. There are people that grew up in America and still don’t know super basic things like the difference between “then” and “than” or “your” and “you’re”.
Surely you can empathize…
America also has ppl that waste time nit picking grammar on the internet to try and feel some validation in a life that otherwise has none
Hur dur
my advice is u level up one and go
thru classic dungeons to get your feet wet
Battle cry of the illiterate.
Most things could be condensed down into ~5-10 minute tutorials, but people are just bad at explaining or are incentivized to drag things out for monetization.
Some guides have some nice 1 page short guides of the basics so you can get those down before learning some of the more advanced things. Information overload is absolutely a thing and some guides will run you through everything when you don’t have context on half of it.
Guides should be shorter and broken down into chunks to enhance the learning experience and target specific levels of knowledge and skill.
I wouldn’t recommend picking up healing this xpac anyway. Its way grindier and much more unforgiving than previous xpacs. The majority of the heal community is not happy about the current state of healing and thats why we’re in such a healer drought.
Healing might not be too, too bad in situations where everyone is standing relatively still and within spell range, but that’s not been my experience in recent dungeon runs.
The tank and everyone else was constantly moving forward all of the time with me struggling at times to keep up because I (as a ranged DPS) have to stand still to cast my better spells. I imagine there were many moments when the tanks were out of the healers’ lines of sight (who still did good jobs most of the time).
You don’t need a tutorial.
Just read your spells. Its pretty self explanatory what they do.
Then you just figure out the synergies and when to use them.
Its literally just practice.
Resto Shaman + Healium addon = Cruise control healing.
Reply of the basement dweller
While I’m no healer pro, I do heal on alts enough.
Which class were you trying?
The only way I’ve found to heal and feel comfortable is macros.
@mouseover and /castsequence have been amazing to heal.
Healing is different because it’s more of a reactionary role.
It’s not like DPS where you have a “rotation” and just keep doing the same thing again and again, no.
You generally have some small heals, big heals, and an upkeep healing buff like a shield or a heal-over-time, and cooldowns and whatnot. And dispels in addition to that, CC, and your DPS spells.
It definitely takes practice for folks that haven’t healed before, same deal with tanking.
You just have to get a “feel” for the role, mainly just through experience.
I think needing addons to heal is a terrible precedent to set. If you cant heal without an addon, you shouldnt heal with them. Ive dealt with too many people who literally were incapable of healing when their addons broke, completely shutting down raid nights.
Just play disc and keep doing damage m8
Tldr: I didn’t give it enough time and got easily frustrated
I usually test run healers I haven’t played for a while in epic bg’s. At first I’m scrambling but after a few bg’s I understand the basics, the interactions and the cd’s again. People in there are usually already happy when they get heals, to me it’s a very relaxed way of figuring it out.
Besides that, healing is amazingly fun imho. Definitely worth it to dive into a bit more. It’s a learning process, and that’s ok. Don’t let that push you away
dude, now is a great time to learn heals!! pick an easier class (like resto, either of em), trim the fat on the talents, and do the anniversary events! world bosses and chrome codex are great for you to practice without fear of “failing” a group.
I can almost promise you no one will know or care that you’ve never healed before. You can get in the practice and learn the talents without blame. That’s the three world bosses in Azeroth, the one world boss in Dorn, and Chromie Codex.
If you wanna be extra spicy, try Korrok’s revenge. Epic BGs are my favorite to heal. You WILL learn there lol
Lastly, this might sound weird but idc, when I was learning Mist I set up a weakaura to remind me of priorities and had it displayed on my screen. I’d glance at it to make sure I was mindful of the talents. Could be useful.
Dude, try it out! Its like a whole 'nother game!
A good way to learn healing is playing solo dungeons as a Healer, no stress, no hassles.
The Training Grounds might also be an option too.
I think the main reason healers are hard to find is the groups tend to RUSH so bad and tanks don’t wait for heals to catch up, dps keeps pulling and nobody stops to wonder how the heals is doing
It’s far better to just level as one n grind dungeons, checking places like icy veins etc for any lil extra help til you get accustomed to the class/spec.