So I tried out Plunderstorm

Really not into the Fortnite type of games, but I have to admit I was kind of getting the hang of it today. Really not much of a PvPer, so I was constantly getting my butt kicked, but I was doing ok on looting golden chests and learning the areas.

I managed to get enough gold to get the Black Stormridden set and Rapier, that’s really the only thing that interested me in the Plunderstorm store.

I guess it’s ok if you need the break from WoW retail stuff, overall it’s not as bad as I thought it would be.


A few tips.

When you drop into the map, your drop damage kills anything you touch, so aim well and get lots of exp right at the start.

Also, don’t initiate fights if you can avoid it. It costs you time and that means gold/exp. Let other people fight and pick off the winner if you can, or avoid it all together.

But, yeah I enjoy it. I haven’t had time to do this round of PS, but it’s great and the new transmog colors are very nice.


I also thought I’d give it a try. Zoned in and suddenly five thousand chickens are attacking me. Noped outta that nonsense

It’s just supposed to be a quick distraction. Glad you got stuff you wanted.

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I always aim for a boss when I land then travel along the edges of the storm as it moves inwards. Looking for elites and gold chests and killing any mob.

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