So i see something of a "profesion respec, " coming soonish

so a profession respec in 11.0.7 , hope this means i can move my points around, and reset them, like i can my talents in my talent tree would be nice incase you mess it up or just want unlearn something and try something new, ohh that would be nice, and wish i did have to pay for a crafting order from my own alt, like for the 1 point of knowledge scrolls, 20g is not much but does add if you have many , and they are soulbound when you make them so cannot pass them out freely Warbound would be nice…

On my end I hope they put a significant cooldown and cost on it. Otherwise it kinda destroys server identity early on in the expansion. It also kind of destroys the point of having a specialization in professions if you can craft a sword, switch specs, craft some bracers, switch spec, craft some boots, switch spec, etc.

You can drop it down to 5g by setting the duration to 12 hours. Not 0g but it saves quite a bit.

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So 11.0.7, siren isle is already out. The respec you’re taking about got scrapped. It was there because they were planning on doing some stat changes to professions. A multicraft nerf, resourcefulness buff.

They haven’t said if they were reinstating this in 11.1.


I’m hoping they eventually do something with resetting points. I followed a guide that was not very good and man some of my points in enchanting are straight up not helping me at all. I’d be okay if they put a long cooldown or expensive tag on it because I don’t plan on constantly changing stuff around. I just want to put the points into things that’ll help me do what I want to do.

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Hopeful, about the middle of the page.

Professions Updates in Patch 11.1 - New Recipes, Knowledge Point Resets - Wowhead News

Genuinely curious here, but where would those points be? I know that in DF chanting you had to fill wheels all over the place to top the weapons enchants for examples, but in TWW? I filled the wheels for arathi weapons enchants, I can now top arathi weapons enchants and so on… So please, I would like to know. Not being negative or sarcastic here, I just want to know.

Edit: Dang that is an old post, guess I will not get to know. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The purpose of the respec was partially to address the stats adjustment that they were planning. Partly in response to the community at large.

In terms of the stat readjustment, I personally do have several professions where I filled only one of the stats wheels (e.g. multicraft) and not the others. Less of them now though. But enough that if they were changing the stats it would be fair to give the option to move points.

The community complaints have been largely from players who don’t really craft. For example, if you look up the complainers from the many “crafting is terrible” threads, the vast majority have not even achieved a single profession counter achieve past “I” (like the achievement “ink and quill I”). That’s been counting how many crafts you’ve done since DF season 2. “I” means they’ve done 100 crafts. That’s… leveling… And not much more than that.

You and I and the other “regulars” here have the “IV” achievement (2000+ crafts) on multiple crafting professions. We’d probably have the next one if it went any higher.

To have that low of a counter really implies that they don’t regularly use their professions. They’re not doing their patron orders regularly. When they say they’re behind yes, they are really months behind. So while you and I already have most things filled in, they really don’t have much.

And there were some guides out there telling people to put early points into what I would have said were… inadvisable locations. I’m not sure tbh if they’ll make better choices on respec. They’re following these bad guides because they don’t understand the system in the first place. They were never using it like you and I are. But for them yes, a respec would benefit them…if they know what to do.

Unfortunately you’re really only going to get the two extremes in a forum like this.


So… Incoming threads about the cost of the respec, or the CD, losing DMF acquired KPs or some other similar that I cannot imagine.

The guide I followed had me put a good hunk of points into the illusions part. Now, it admittedly did get me a fair amount of knowledge points and I eventually got to 100 enchanting with it but that whole branch is utterly useless to me now. I’ve never once had anyone ask me to make them something that’ll make them look like an undead or a vulpera or anything else . If I could shuffle points around like we can do in our combat trees it wouldn’t be a big deal, but right now them points being locked into illusions rather than something like disenchanting is hindering me. Of course, part of it is my fault too. I’d just come back to the game after quitting during SL so I was a total noob to the new system. I just looked up a guide and went. Had I known what I know now I’d have taken a slower more efficient path rather than “quickest and easiest”.

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You lost nothing by investing points in illusions, since you got 23 new recipes and by doing their first crafts got all the points invested back AND on top of it you gained over 100 Artisan Aquity which is valuable item to crafters AND you cheaply leveled a profession.

And with catchup mechanic, right now you should be having all trees almost full right now.


Illusions? Ok its not the wheel that will make you squash the Queen sure. But have you look at the patron’s WOs for enchanting? 9/10 are those very illusions! They are quite cheap to make also! And has Scarfacer said, that wheel pays for itself!

Anyway thanks for answering my question. Wish you luck with your respec of enchanting. Strongly advising you to re-think emptying the illusion wheel or you will be back here complaining.

This is exactly the sort of thing I’m taking about. These guides assume you’re someone like us, someone that knows aha we’re going to first crafts and acuity to get ahead. Then hard pivot to things that will make gold, like disenchanting or enchanting.

A lot of these guides were bad because:
-they didn’t understand the overall economy
-underestimated gathering and the power of thaumaturgy
-assumed the reader had an understanding of the DF system so they would know what they were doing when they pulled something like this
-placed their thumb on the scales causing too many players to specialize in the same thing

For a new player I would definitely focus first on leveling then the thing they want to craft. To have something to do that’s immediately useful helps you learn how to use the system and builds confidence.

To be honest, the guide that recommend putting points to unlock and fill the illusions wheel is pretty much spot on. That wheel is very much mandatory for any meaningful AA gains with enchanting. Crests were a big part of skill ups for my 2 enchanters, and that is independent of any of the tabs so no fear of bricking anything there.

Really hope Chicky keeps the illusions in her eventual respec of enchanting. Or it will come back to bite a huge chunk of that boomkin’s feathered… Lower back?

If you’re someone who’s not doing patron orders in the first place and someone who doesn’t know anything about the system though…

But this is not the worst of them.

The worst one I saw asked players to fill in the stats wheels first and had them ignore easily accessible recipes because they assumed they would be too expensive.

Example: my BF, against my advice, followed some guide (method? Idk?) and it told him to fill out the stats wheels and not put a point in treatises. I leveled inscription in one day and made a pile of gold with treatises at the same time. BF, Mr. Manly Man can’t listen to women must listen to name brand guide, was there floundering with nothing but a stats wheel for a whole week.

We’re talking about players who just got to these steps and gave up btw …

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Geez. Mr Teishoku really signed himself up for a whole week of 'I told you so’s! Sorry, gotta laugh a few min at the expanse of your paramour there… Brb!

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Ok back! The various stats wheels are somewhat of a bitter pill to take when filling the wheels. Least he can say its done! No need to come back… Really hope he wont consider respec out of it.

Damn that was a good story! Still laughing!

Naw I bailed him out and gave him piles of materials that the guide said would be “too hard to get”. So he’s good now.

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