So, I Played The Alliance Broken Shore *And*

So perhaps I missed something, but something always struck me as odd in the Alliance Broken Shore cinematic. At the 30 second mark they hear the retreat horn blow, see the archers fall back and Varian says “No…she wouldn’t” and Genn says “I knew it! I knew we couldn’t trust her!”. Why is their reaction to blame Sylvanas for the retreat and not the Warchief, Vol’jin? If they suspected Sylvanas was the one to betray them, why wouldn’t they try and contact Vol’jin? He was the leader of the entire Horde. Finding out he was dead would be a pretty good indication about why the retreat happened in the first place, yet their first instinct is to try and assassinate a Horde leader instead. Feels like a lot of steps were skipped to get there.


I posted this a fair few times, but Genn and the Alliance in Stormheim openly admit they have zero clue what Sylvanas is up to in the zone. Only at the very end do they figure it out. The journal may have been a reason to go to Stormheim, but it’s clearly written that the contents of the journal were not the reason they attacked.