So I just decided to unsub, how many other have unsubbed also?

I’m subbed for classic.

Canceled my 6 month sub awhile back, I’m using the remaining 4 months to go back and collect some core race heritage mogs and nothing else. Probably will come back if things actually improve.

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on a level 60?

There’s a reason why, and it isn’t because they’re all lying.

Said no one ever. Way to completely lose all credibility.

Said no one ever.

What orifice did you pull this out of? People who are disappointed are average players or casuals, who are stuck with a low ilvl despite playing and are exhausted, ready to give up.

Considering how many lies you packed into this post, I’m surprised you even think you have a grasp of reality.

I didn’t buy shadowlands, because I read the hype and exercised critical thinking when asking myself if this was something I would find entertaining. I have 5 accounts. 2 are currently expired. 2 are being paid by gold, and 1 is subbed. When I finish up my old achieves I will probably let all my accounts expire and just play low levels.


I lost my coworker in here. He just vanished. Same with his buddy. They are simply not playing. That had all this talk about let’s get you geared… we’ll carry you to M+. They just left, and stopped playing. Not even on battlenet.

I don’t think they realize how much they are tired of the grind. I honestly suspect they’re not as happy with the game as they thought they were.


It seems to me that you’ve burnt yourself out. 8 60’s? That’s a lot of alts to max out 2 months into the expansion. I’d feel tired of the game as well if I was trying to gear up that many alts at once, especially with how rare pve loot is right now.

Maybe give it a patch or two for blizzard to address the loot problem? Also catch up mechanics should help a lot. I personally transmog hunt and run older dungeons for sets pieces and mounts/pets. It’s always nice to take a break if I truly don’t feel like logging in.

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Not always, takes weeks to unlock TC.

honestly i thought I liked BFA but compared to shadowlands i would probably choose not to play BFA again. or at least season 1 and 2. season 3 and 4 felt way better in bfa. never was in love with the leveing zones in bfa and I was disappointed with how they handled the wounded azeroth story. felt unresolved. I did like how they handled sylvaness though (i know im in the minority there).

I like the long term goals in shadowlands with anima upgrades and I do bare minimum world quests. I’ve been varying my playtime between questing. m+ raiding and pvp and rotate as i get bored of one playstyle. I am motivated by the great vault for gear though. I like leveling my followers. I ignored the maw until I got the torghast achievement mount and now I do the maw every day because I earned my mount there.

I’ve heard rumors that there will be changes to azeroth when we return from shadowlands and Im super curious about that.

I’m unsubbed but I have a lot of time left on my acc. I am sick of the game mostly. I want to play alts, but it is such a grind to gear my alts. Not worth.


Sub time just ran out and unless there’s some really nice changes and mounts I will not be back.
The main problem is this greedy company.
No flying, removing whistle, little flight points, gating stuff, reducing loot just to make customers spend more time “playing” so that they can post their record breaking profits while reducing staff.
I have stayed subbed when I was not playing. Even removing portals and auto accept for lfg may be little things but because my play time is limited and making me spend time on traveling and logging in out more times pisses me off. And there’s no more achievement after 400 mounts?
I applause the art and sound team for shadowlands. But the rest of activision and blizzard can go screw themselves. Remember that you are where you are now because gameplay and customers first. if you forget, then maybe lesser customers will become more meaningful. Just like how you think lesser loot makes loot more meaningful.

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Every time it’s a new cycle. Nothing changes.

Next expansion will be" Shadowlands was better" “I never felt this bored before”, “First time I quit since X expansion”…etc, etc, etc.

No it doesnt. The last time this happened was in WoD. Legion was never called as the worst. Neither BFA this early. SL has been out for 2 months, even WoD took 4-6 months.

Wrath or BC def no. Cata was too hardcore. MoP had so much content and so many zones.

SL fails on so many areas, thats why it has bad reputation.


Nah, I still remember threads going up week 1 saying the same thing again and again every bloody expansion and I been around since Wrath. Doesn’t make their opinion correct. It’s just an opinion.

MOP was great but lets nobody pretend that the first three months of that grinding hell was anything but tedious thrash.

Point being every expansion will bring people saying the same thing even something like yours.

True, but only way to confirm is if people actually quit or not play. Lets see.

I’m sure some do and I’m sure some don’t. The ones who say so in the forums I personally believe most do not but I maybe wrong. Only Blizzards knows for sure.

Either way I’m genuinely curious to what they will do for 9.1 for nobody really has a clue unlike previous expansions.

And at least they don’t have to spend an entire patch fixing a broken system like they did with 8.1.

This is why I actually think SL is worst. I think it looks like they put this together really fast and now are trying to actually release content and are struggling.


Well it’s new lore so to speak. So a lot of people including myself are willing to see where it goes. So on one hand they have a lot of people interested.

On the other hand if they screw it up it is not going to be pretty.

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Same. My sub expires in 7 days, first time I’ve unsubbed in 8 years.


Guess what? It is a waste of time, either way.


1348 posts


Not trying to insult you, but you kinda seem like an unreasonable person here.