haha, funny you mention… after all of the keys, raiding, etc. ive done, i finally just got a staff upgrade yesterday from a normal… went from 161 to 171. ill admit i dont grind as much as others but it was a little surprising. however, i thoroughly enjoy this xpac despite its downfalls and the less common chance of loot (in my personal opinion) makes the game more rewarding/fun to play.
I’m just paying with gold while it lasts. I don’t feel it’s worth it to farm more gold, and paying for the game in it’s curent state feels like a waste of money.
Honestly this. I’ve been enjoying Shadowlands, but I haven’t felt compelled to log in and play. I just hop on when friends wanna do Mythics and such.
Funny, 'cause this was literally the first time I’d ever bought a 6-monther. Oh well - back to single months, for me, once it’s lapsed!
I have 3 months left and im done. Complete lack of balance patches in pve and pvp… ridiculous.
Bastions questline was ridiculous, and I honestly thought id level to 60 before i left there.
Then theres Maldraxxas, where the only interesting thing to happen was a level 60 priest chased me across half the map to kill me, /coz.
Adenweald is complete garbage, ive run around there trying to gather and its filled with so much high level trash its almost impossible.
Blizz have honestly lost the plot.
Imagine if marriage was like this, we’d all be divorced and would never resub.
This is a good part of all four zones though - I mentioned this in beta while exploring. It seems only about 50% of each of the zones is for leveling and the rest is for level 60s which makes leveling seem even more claustrophobic (to me anyway).
The only place i noticed this in bastion was near the instance entrance.
But at Adenweald the the trash and the deadend nature of the thickets was obnoxious. Even a lot of the open areas were so packed with trash that would daze, that it was ridiculous.
Not unsubbing, no plans to, yet. So far it’s pretty good. I’m just glad the game is still around to play after 16 years.
Many times, usually when it gets slow. If I’m paying $15.00 per month just do do a few daily quests and log off, it’s time to go. I came back from FFXIV 2 months ago for the same reason and bought 3 months of time here.
I probably won’t extend it, since I’m at daily quests phase, and not currently interested in group play.
you have 8 60s! of course it feels like a chore. wth
im giving them a couple more months to fix old world raids.
Classic and soon to be classic TBC are still worth a sub to me. SL, not so much.
I have 3 months. Cancelled my sub this week. Im sick of M+ loot scarcity and meta slaves that cant play with any healer that is not a rshaman for a +10.
I cant even farm tmog in my dead time because scaling is terrible.
I refuse to even think about running Torghast again.
I refuse to do 1 more calling to get 3 trash items.
I’m just bored honestly. 'll probably come back, but right now it’s a no-no for me.
I think what we are experiencing is a serious extension of a design that requires more and more daily and weekly grinding just to be able to participate in end game group activities like rated PvP, raiding, and Mythic+.
Take raiding as an example. A few expansions ago, someone identifying as a casual player could log in randomly during the week, maybe a bit more on weekends, and still be a contributing member of a moderately progressive raid team. In fact, just by raiding, that player could get sufficient gear to not fall behind others on the team.
That is no longer true. Blizz’s introduction of never-ending grinds to improve one or more pieces of “special” — and required — gear means that that same raider must now spend more hours every week if not every day just grinding out activities that will maintain progress on the special gear. If they don’t to do this regular grinding, they will quickly fall behind their team and indeed quickly cease to be a contributing member of that team.
What Blizz has done is vastly increase the time cost of doing end game group activities. The admission fee for those activities has grown steeper and steeper over the last 3 expansions. Gone are the days when a casual player on a mid-level raid team could log in mainly on raid nights, get some gear, have some laughs and fun, then log out.
The result is that many players who enjoy group endeavors now feel they “have to” grind out all the weekly and daily stuff just to be allowed to continue the part of the game they truly enjoy. When you feel like you have to do anything, the logical emotion is to feel like it is a chore. Very few people consider chores to be “fun”.
I am not passing judgement on whether this design trend is good or bad for the game, but it seems obvious that it weighs more heavily on players who do not have a lot of time to devote to the game, particularly if they really enjoy end game group activities. They understandably feel that they spend most of their valuable leisure time doing “chores”, not having fun. Why pay money for a game that makes you do chores instead of having fun?
So if your definition of casual is logging in once in a while to do some world quests, gather some mats, socialize in chat channels, maybe run some easy heroic or M0 dungeons, then the game is indeed still fun for the way you like to play. But for others, the trend of “pay (time) to play” is making the game unfriendly to their definition of casual.
I think my sub is up the end of the month but I haven’t played in about a month or more. I took one toon to lvl 60 and a couple to 51 but I just don’t enjoy the classes. So I stopped playing besides it feels rather boring to me for some reason.
Shadowlands was the last chance for Blizz to make classes fun and they failed imo. They broke my Enhancement Shaman again. I see other players saying they are good but I now have enough time to wait for auto attacks like my Arms warrior which is seriously lame and I even have twice as many skills that I use then in BFA. My shammy felt better and faster in BFA so I miss him.
I’m also tired of borrowed powers especially since the covenant ones seem lack luster compared to BFA imo. The BFA HoA powers at least themed well with some of my classes like Tidal Surge for my mage and shaman and Rezan’s Child for my hunter but the covenant powers don’t theme with anything I have and there are so few of them.
To each their own.
This is week #3 for me of no play. I believe my sub ends on the 29th or 30th.
Reason for unsub- Shadowlands feels like a Legion patch, as did BFA. All just with a fresh coat of paint. I realized it was time to walk away when I didn’t even care to open my weekly vault. May come back at some point down the road.
Most of my friends have now unsubbed, we’re all PvPers and this grind for gear just to compete in arena is one of the most boring things i’ve ever had to do.
I got 3 weeks left, never unsubbed this fast on an expansion before. My friends are also gone. PVP is in a sad state as usual with no change in sights. No communication for the devs on any upcoming changes, so imma speak with my wallet again and won’t come back until next expansion
Two of my RL friends (one of them the one who introduced me to wow) just unsubbed. Another one who I only know remotely also unsubbed… my small friends’ list is growing smaller. Hopefully the rest will stay