So i hear they are intending to update old armor appearances

Using an AI to update their old assets is fine by me.

Using an AI to create brand new assets is where I take issue.


i seen people create swords irl that were painful to hold.

a hilt with spikes on it, or bladed hilts that stab the wielder…

Using AI to update old textures so the Art team can reduce their workload and focus on new stuff instead of old stuff? Great!

Using AI to generate entire new sets of armor? Less great.

Lets hope it stays the former.


Awesome if true.



I’m not one of those people that get all nostalgia stupid over 8 pixels. I want updated crap, gawdamit.

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were also getting maybe these


Blizzard is looking at their stats and thinking ‘these people are still transmoging their old pieces. Maybe might do something about that’.

Honestly, this is the kind of thing I’m fine with AI doing, as long as one of their artists check the work and do a final touchup after the upscale. Like, if the updated Scarab robes are an example of what to expect (I don’t think they’re upscaled from the old ones though), I think it could work.

If this is true, I hope they’ll also use the chance to add a few 3D elements were appropriate, for belt buckles, gemstones, studs, and the like, because I feel like those’ll look awkward more often than not on a lot of old sets.

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I doubt that’s true.

But if it is, I’d love to see what a high res version of T5/TBC PvP S2 gear would look like.

If it’s done well and only used to upscale old assets I’m all for it. The example in the tweet looked pretty good even though the polygons were still low. A new texture helped a lot. I’d like to see new life put into old assets.
As long as nothing gets turned into a blurry mess like the remastered GTA trilogy… :dracthyr_sweat:

Ppl need to stop calling those programs AI. They’re incapable of doing anything without being fed data and instructions. If ChatGPT decided one day, by itself, that it wanted to be a pro ski instructor, then it might be considered AI.

and fed work of others without their consent too


Doing a good job following instructions doesn’t make a program intelligent. It just means the developers did a good job. Ants do a really good job following the instructions encoded in their DNA, but they’re not smart.

artificial intelligents doesn’t mean free will.

it’s given a goal, and proceeds how it works in its own way.

It’s not its own way if it’s just programming. It’s not artificially intelligent if it can’t convincingly act like it can think for itself.

Uhm,I’m a mage and male Bikini armor?? :eyes: :scream: :notes:

I mean. The revamped AQ robes look good. If we get updated mageweave with a bit more booty out of it as opposed to less booty, I’m fine with it.


Ppl are slapping the term AI onto any program that just follows instructions. There’s literally an app that “generates an AI girlfriend”, but you have to give it parameters because it’s incapable of doing anything on its own.

AI can be used to up date old design styles there nothing wrong with that considering the way the design was 15 yrs ago with off colors and non- matching pieces,which no one liked .

Exactly what an pro-AI NPC would say!