So I did the Orc and Mag'har heritage quests

I cant help but feel as if something was missing.

Its like an itch in the brain. A little wriggle. A bit of a tickle.

Just a little lack of neurodivergence. Which makes me laugh because the feast featured a rendition of curried botani brain ala coconut lobstrok curry.

Perhaps one of you cheery lads and lasses can tell me what these quests lacked, because the bones have been silent for awhile now and I cant really focus without their rhythmic crunching.

Please, what was missing from these AND WHERE IS MY VALIDATION?

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Not giving me much to go on here :sweat_smile:

Personally, I think very little was missing. The quest was a labor of love by a dev who really wanted it to shine and knew orcs. So they put in every bit of lore and tid bits they could, reviving the Kosharg perfectly. They revived many clans, established new leaders, had follow ups on clans that may be defunct or stayed loyal to the Burning Legion, showcasing the few who look to reclaim their title for the Horde and orc people.

The Kosharg itself was probably the best route they could have gone. Not only was it a major cultural festival for the orcs on dreanor, but has been a yearly event on many RP servers recreating it to the best they could. For the story is incredibly important to show a diaspora people reclaiming their roots and embracing their ways and cultural traditions.

What was missing was the playable/AU Mag’har, the ones from WoD we picked up (for some contrived reason :roll_eyes:). This quest was all about finding the orcs national identity and self again and they did a phenomenal job. However, they relied heavily on existing MU characters/elders, which is completely fine, who remember the old days and old ways, but have not been actively a part of them for 30+ years. They are going off of a very dated memory, no matter how good their memory is. The AU Mag’har were living these traditions up until very recently, until they were forced to Azeroth. The clan structures, while disrupted, were recent memory even for the younger orcs. Geya’rah, who is suppose to be basically an AU Thrall, grew up in Dreanor orcish culture. She knows what the Kosharg is, she knows how each clan (or at least her own) lived, ate, what special traditions they had, etc. She doesn’t need to rely on Drek’thar, who was too old to travel, and Etrig to put this together based off of their, again, 30+ year old memory. She’s, theoretically, younger than their memories of the Kosharg while still going to it until like 5-10 years ago!

All that is to say - it was a small plot hole/miss that the AU clans did not show up to the MU orc heritage armor and revival of the Kosharg to help rebirth the many clan cultures, traditions, and histories.

Only other thing that was missing for me, and this is only a game play critique, is some of the armor aesthetics. The red armor set doesn’t match up very well to any of the Arathi Warfront/PvP sets which were super traditional orcy. The nipple spike is a little funny but its grown on me as a comical addition. The Frostwolf set doesn’t match the same blue as the Frostwolf tabard you can get form AV (although they kinda still go together and there is an updated WoD one) and/or they didn’t introduce a number of tabards to coincide with the armor sets or flags. We never got a Blackrock tabard, for example, but we have their flag. Similarly there is no red Warsong tabard, to go with the red ‘Warsong’ armor set but the black Warsong tabard from WSG is available. Super tiny things like that. Branding is important!


Did you want more clans present or felt there were characters missing that should have been involved?

There is indeed an entire clan that is missing.
It’s absence is enough to make one laugh.

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Then that likely means the entire MU clan is dead.

Side note, is there even a Mag’har heritage quest? I thought all allied races got their heritage armor in the mail.

You go back to whoever gives you your introduction quest and pick it up from them. You’re right that there are no quests for the allied races

Only the Dark Irons I believe got a part 2 to their heritage quests in which they got a new mount

Laughing Skulls dont deserve that fate.


The Laughing Skull are not dead, however they are fel orcs. Though since we had Man’ari join up with the Draenei, we might get Fel Orcs joining the Horde one day.


Are we even sure any fel orcs are left after we basically smashed both Hellfire Citadel and Black Temple?

And even if they were alive would they still consider themselves members of the LS clan and you know not gone insane(er) like say the Burning Blade? Or is the clan itself for all intents and purposes defunct? If not permanently then at least currently?

Laughing Skulls feature throughout BfA, so we know the AU group is fine and… around somewhere. Kaz is greying but alive as part of the zuldazar faction invasion, Kil’rip is also alive and mentioned in one of the Mechagon intro quests tangentially as inspiration for a goblin believing she’s also Laughing Skull.

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How many Eradar have we knocked down? How many high elves were left after WC3 and Keal taking over? Broken?

I think we all know that if they wanted to bring them back, there will be some enclave that survived somewhere despite any sort of campaign we’ve had against them. It wouldn’t be so far fetched to say that the warbands left (Im doubtful fel orcs retained much clan identity/culture) created their own little stronghold far off somewhere either to be left alone, or to be secured/hidden as they continue to raid whatever residents of Outland remain - especially as the Horde and Alliance have left likely little more than a skeleton force just to garrison their holdings.


Hence why I hedge it with a “if not permanently then at least currently”.

Or they are all gone, another dead clan like say the Thunderlord clan. For now, we dont have any info other then they were not at the orc heritage quest which doesnt exactly bode well.

There are always survivors, as seen with the Scarlet Crusade. Though as the exact status of the Fel Horde is unknown, the Fel Orc clans could have gone their own ways or descended into infighting.

Until we revisit Outland in some manner (in-game or an Exploring Outland book), its all up in the air.


My head cannon is that the remaining faction is lightbound and shackled, chomping at the bit to bring vengeance on Yrel.

I cant wait to fire that round of brainshot at her. One less whimsy occupying the grey matter.

I am still annoyed we skipped Exploring Outland and cant understand why they did that.


That was actually who I was hoping to see during the ohm’gar. I get it, hes fake meatspace Mag’har but they literally recreated Botani curry.

Morality is no longer an issue really.

Oh yea Dragonmaw Orcs. Where are they.

If Eredar can be pardoned then so should the Fel Horde.

Thing is, nobody has pardoned the Man’ari. Velen just allowed a small group of them to try and repent for their actions. They have not been forgiven for their crimes as of yet

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