So I Checked The New UI

I dont think so…but I have never tried to specifically make that happen.

You can move your character portrait frame around but that is as far as I got for setting things up for solo play

Actually, chat panes are resizable already. There is a grab handle at the bottom right of the Chat Frame when in Edit Mode. However, it is rather faint and hard to see. They should increase the contrast on it so it can be seen more easily.


Thank you. I went back and looked for it. Apparently, there is a second window of options that pops when you tap the bar in question. That second menu allows you to adjust it with more options.

Yes. I just checked it out while not in a group. It has options for size of raid (10, 25, and 40). You can also resize the pane the characters/bars are on. There are sliders for width and height.

There’s something I think we seem to need. Clearer controls. That’s something I hope they work on as well.

hmm. I mean have them permanently display like you can do with dedicated raid frame addons (grid, vuhdo, etc), not simply opening them up for editing. But if the former is true, that would be a nice change. Something I wish they’d implemented a long time ago.

I’m noticing that some of the UI editor features are hidden behind second menus. You have to click to activate a component, then click on the component to see the second menu. Then on the second menu we can start adjusting the individual component.

I hope they can work out a more intuitive way to share this information with us. Various UI mods have good examples for reference on this.


I checked for that this time. No, it doesn’t seem to do that. Once I leave edit mode, it goes back to the normal UI.


I understand, I just started using this addon maybe two or three months ago. Messed around with it a great deal until I found my comfort zone.

It can be information overload if you don’t have the patience, I got so tired of default UI I conjured some up. :joy:

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Cant wait for ui makers to release a ‘classic reskinned look’ - ive grown very used to basically a dark reskinned default ui with weak auras to track everything.

I just hope the created decent code so ui developers can still do what they do.

Like it or not - blizz updated it and anyone who currently uses a ui replacement for anything will continue to do so in df so its only a fresh new look for new players ot the game.

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It’s amazing to me that SWTOR, the “failed” MMO, does so much stuff (like UI) better than WoW.


blizzard needs to make a dedicated team of like between 5 and 10 devs that are not working on the new xpac and pay them to scour the forums to see what we are asking for and make and tweak the game. i hate how things such as a new refreshed ui has to launch with a new xpac. just fix and update things and release them with the tuesday patch. not make it a big event.

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Yeah, they do have a pretty good default UI editor in SWToR.

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You can change the size of the action bars.

same with the chat panel

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The last time I looked at it, there was no way to hide action bars unless moused over.

I don’t need to see my stance bar or the action bars on the right edge of the screen. Either the actions are hotkeyed or a mouse over exposes them. It makes for a cleaner display and I can put mounts, hearthstones, toys, and professions in bars.

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Let me resize the pet frames and make bars only visible on mouse over and I’ll be happy. Oh and make it so the bag is moveable so it doesn’t cover up the side bars.