So I asked ChatGPT to write a story about capitalism using a greedy monkey acting like Trump

I thought it was spot on!!!

Here’s what it wrote:

Deep within the heart of the lush jungle, a cunning and insatiable monkey by the name of Milo stumbled upon a bountiful banana tree bursting with ripe, golden fruits. Unable to resist the treasure trove of succulent bananas, he embarked on a mad frenzy of banana gathering. One after another he plucked the bananas from the tree, gathering an enormous pile all for himself. As days turned into weeks, Milo continued his relentless pursuit of bananas, oblivious to the needs of his fellow monkeys.

The local population soon found themselves deprived of this essential food source, and hunger began to cast a dark shadow over the once vibrant community. As the bellies of the monkeys growled louder with hunger, Milo, fueled by his own inflated ego, belittled them. He taunted them for their inability to gather enough bananas, claiming they deserved to suffer because they lacked the drive and ambition that he, in his distorted view, possessed.

However, Milo’s hoarding came at a great cost. The bananas he so voraciously hoarded began to decay at an alarming rate, leaving him with a mountain of mushy, foul-smelling fruit. The stench permeated the air, intensifying the anguish of the starving monkeys. Instead of feeling remorse or recognizing the consequences of his actions, he hatched a plan to salvage his ego. Milo decided to mold the rotten bananas into a tribute statue of himself, a monument to his supposed greatness. As he worked tirelessly on his self-glorifying creation, the starving monkeys watched in disbelief. Their frail bodies trembled from hunger, their eyes pleading for compassion. But Milo remained blind to their suffering, his focus fixated solely on his own glorification.

Days turned into weeks, and the statue gradually took shape. A grotesque figure emerged from the decaying bananas, resembling Milo in all his pompous glory. He molded his own legend in banana mush. The sight was both horrifying and infuriating. The sight of the tribute sent waves of resentment through the famished monkeys, fueling their longing for justice. In the midst of this tragedy, a flicker of hope emerged. A young monkey named Maya, fueled by righteous anger and the will to end this tyranny, rallied her fellow sufferers, urging them to unite against the tyranny of greed. The starving monkeys, driven by desperation and their shared anguish, found strength in their collective plight.

With hearts ablaze, the monkeys confronted Milo and his abominable statue. They toppled the grotesque monument, sending it crashing to the ground. In that moment, the illusion of Milo’s grandeur shattered, revealing the true depth of his selfishness. The monkeys, united against their oppressor, rose above their suffering and rebuilt their community with empathy and compassion as their guiding principles. The memory of the greedy monkey who hoarded bananas would forever serve as a reminder of the perils of unchecked greed.