Not so much when you go beyond queue content. A lot of the attacks you rely on that are telegraphed now you only have by environmental cues like which way a head is facing or whatnot.
The thing I will give FF more praise for is being consistent with certain telegraphed mechanics. Unlike WoW, which every mechanic has to have its own graphic and uniformity is in no way standard, FF uses the same indicators so players learn what means what and can react appropriately while still allowing the developers to create ultra flashy and amazing effects (and boy foes FF have a crapton of those). Whether it is stacking to soak an attack, a debuff that needs to be run away from the group, or even a telegraphed attack that will do less damage the farther away you are, FF (at least last I played it) uses the same indicators.
IMO, it takes far more skill to be a good raider/player in FF than WoW simply because you can’t just offload the mental load onto addons like DBM and weak auras. Classes/specs are much more complex to play and without addons telling you all the nitty gritty, you have to rely on your own knowledge, skill, and even reaction time to perform.
I would generally agree with this. Another poster put it like this: FFXIV makes you think about your rotation and use muscle memory for the fights, and WoW makes you think about the fights and commit your rotation to muscle memory. I completely agree with you on add-ons, however. Players who rely heavily on DBM and other add-ons (or at least enjoy) may have a tough time transferring over to FFXIV. It’s just a matter of if they want to be told what to do or not
In WoW I need the audio cues from DBM and GTFO because I can’t see well, and the attacks are often not very clear graphically.
in FFXIV, I never had a problem with it. Either when I was doing Savage I had my raid leader calling stuff, or it’s telegraphed.
I understand later there’s not always telegraphs in higher end content. I’ve seen a few of the fights that don’t have it, and the important stuff like stack markers are still there. Just missing some of the attack land zones.
Doesn’t matter, I don’t expect to be doing anything past queue content there anyway. Finding a static hasn’t happened yet, and I doubt it will. Especially as DPS. Groups being much smaller and the like. That and I rolled EU server and can’t commit to evenings.
What level did you get too? Because unless you were doing combat at end-game and running end-game combat you have no idea qhat combat is like in the game as it is now.
WoWers have this tendency to compare WoW raiding to FFXIV’s low level world questing content and it drives me insane because yes, the combat is slow at low levels. Just like it is in every game.
FFXIV does not have gender locked races. Every race has male and female, every race can be any class/job there is no restrictions. Male Viera and female Hrothgar DON’T EXIST YET because they didn’t have time to make them. That isn’t gender locking guys. They are adding male Viera with the Endwalker expansion and female Hrothgar are being added later.
I’m not sure I understand your argument of: “They are not gender locked because they are releasing the opposite genders later!” That still means that at this time, they are gender locked. I’m not even saying that’s a good or a bad thing, just calling it like it is.