So.... How To Catch Up To This?

Definitely okay to play your way for sure.

But this game has many aspects where it kinda is a competitive game at its heart and has been for a while with a ton of people who do play that way. PvE is typically looked at as way less competitive naturally to PvP but tell that to mythic raiders.

People take pride in being able to play at competitive levels with other players on their playing field. It’s a reasonable ask out of a game like wow, even its side modes. And we all have individual expectations of ourselves.

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The no lifers are always the ones who whine a week after getting every acheivement.
They can get a perma ban for the frogs far as I think most of us are concerned.


If you put a ` in front of and behind the link you can put it in without spaces. Just a free FYI. =)

In reference to your question, though, there’s some context to be had. The meter I posted is from a single boss. Is yours from a single boss or the entire dungeon as a whole?

There’s also the issue that your other two DPS just seem to be slacking in general. The prot warrior was doing more than both.

And there’s the major difference of you doing 50% of the damage compared to 2 other DPS’s contribution vs one person doing 39% of the damage compared to 21 other DPS’s contribution. It’s not even a comparison.

Is this THE Sajakain?
on a sidenote - BM hunter doing 1.6m dps on thok last night, and then I was our #2 at 220k LOL

So whacky lmao

I did a 2 minute long Scarlet Monastary run with a two frogs and then my next heroic was probably an hour long temple with 2 70s. It’s a wild ride….too wild!

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Is there some reason you didn’t just post this question in one of the other gazillion threads discussing the exact same subject?

Or look it up yourself on Blizzard News or Wowhead?

Or maybe, whacked out idea here, just click on the heading titled, ‘Wow Remix: Mists of Pandaria Hotfixes’ pinned at the top of this forum section’s page?

Anyway, here is your answer:

This is what gets my goat.

Blizzard knew. They bloody KNEW that Frogs dropped Lesser Charms. The Great Frog Genocide is almost as famous as the Blood Plague. So no, there was no exploit, there was no bug. They KNEW Frogs dropped Charms, and they CODED quests to accept Charms in exchange for Bronze and Gear.

Blizzard KNEW the Playerbase would go to the frogs. There is NO way it was ‘unintended’. No bloody way.

The decision to nerf the Charms farms came from a higher up, like Ion, and NOT a dev. Because there is NO BLOODY WAY that they ‘forgot’ about The Frog Genocide. AINT NO WAY.


No, you are not.

You are playing the normal version of the game mode.

Just because someone else has a benefit does not equal you having a deficit.

Normal is baseline.

If you are not having fun playing the normal version of the game mode, then clearly this game mode was not for you.


Because that that is what you would be doing if the frog farmers never existed.

They did not change your gameplay, they only changed their own.

This is where I’m at. There is no way, with how it was reported on PTR, they didn’t know or have the logical conclusion that Players would farm these frogs.

We farmed them into the ground during MoP


You are wrong on every account. And I don’t want to argue with you because it’s not worth my time.
As it stands. I am done with remix.

When you have to do 10x more grinding to get something, it’s not fun and I choose not to participate.


I mean to be fair, I didn’t do froggers because I was leveling at my own pace over last weekend with the expectation it would still be there when I dinged at level 70. I highly doubt there is any way that I will be able to catch up to those numbers by the end, and there definitely will never be able to be a level playing field with that person.

Mind you I am not here moaning about it but looking for answers from blizz because the change makes no sense. Unless the change was about nothing but their bottom line.

All it did was change my priorities for this as a whole, instead of getting the new Mythic FOS to add to the fos’s i have from the original expac…I will get the few cosmetics and mounts I still need and bounce.

I was discussing this in another thread complaining about this.
The frog farm’s could be joined literally 24/7 back in the day when MoP was current. It was the best way to grind the lesser charms for the 100k charm mount.

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+4000 all stats? Lol, I’ve seen a few people with +8000 all stats. You can’t catch up to it. If they stopped playing right now and you did every world boss, every wing of LFR, and cleared every raid on every difficulty every day until the end of the event, you couldn’t catch up. They put in maybe a dozen hours of work, you’ll have to put in a dozen hours of work every day for the next three months.


I mean, 169k dps wasn’t even good (to be frank) at the time.
Parses by the end of the expac in BIS siege gear in my guild at the time was(if I remember them right) 450-600k with something maybe a mill dps during burst.
Mind you, the image he linked shows 1.7 million dps, is that start of fight burst?
Or sustained dps, because either way that is pretty wild and shows the potential here by the end of this little thing.
Either way, I doubt I will stick around to find out because I wasn’t really sold a whole other gear grind for three months, I was expecting a few weeks in and out, maybe a alt or two leveled along the way.
Personally, I don’t really have anything to get save a few achievements, the sha mount and some cosmetics for alts on live.
I would have done the new mythic siege fos, but its not a big deal to me since I did it at current.

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it’s probably sustained. i watched a friend on a prot pal finish H Garrosh at 2.5M dps last night. even with the vengeance mechanic tanks had when that fight was current, nobody was doing anything like that!

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Oh wow, that’s definitely wild.
It was nowhere near anything like that at the time.
Oh my, I had completely forgotten about vengeance(I was a disc/holy priest at the time) mechanic on tanks. A fine example of something people used to complain about to no end when MoP was current on the forums.
Good times.

People dont like feeling like accessories to someone elses game. Next queation.


You don’t.

No, seriously. Just farm the cosmetics you want and put it out of your mind to spend 100+ hours to get to this point. Or do that. I mean, I wouldn’t (and won’t). But you do you.

actually thats easy to get caught up to, there are plenty of farm spots still left, you have to decide if you want to farm or play how ever you want

Why are you worried about catching up? Play your own game.