So. How many Warbank tabs are you gonna buy?

20 times a half hour in a month is 10 hours. that isn’t a lot of a month

Yeah but it also wasn’t just a half hour and we all know that.

I also don’t worry about acquiring the gold sinks that come with each expansion though, so being a poor covers my repair and consumable prices, and I’ll be fine with a few tabs in my Warbank.

3 definitely. I experimented on beta a bit, and found that even 3 was overkill. But I’ll need to see how much war band crap I get to fill in the rest. So MAYBE 4. Even if the 5th would be useful, I don’t see myself spending $160 worth of gold for a few more bank slots.

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Maybe it was but it wasn’t hours at 500-600 gold each if you only do gold quests. dragon racing and rock climbing are both fast and there would be 5-6 of them up in a week.

My comment was more about a way to pick up some gold without a lot of work while you wait for a DPS queue or something.

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Fair enough and if you target specific ones it’s not a bad way to pick up some change. I just feel that a large chunk of my time would be spent doing just that if I focused on it.

i might get 2 i have a guild bank for the other items
ill use the first tab for reagents
2nd for other stuff

Two will be more than enough for me.

two out of the gate. third and fourth as needed. i doubt i’ll even use 3.

I never did answer the question, I will probably get 3 and see from there. I have a private guild for storage but current mats, consumables, gear and just passing things to alts I can’t see the need for all 5.

3 to start. Probably have the other two before the end of the expansion. I also have 7 guild bank tabs full of junk so…

I believe I will go for 3 tabs. Should be able to keep my OCD in check with my greed thanks to the prohibitive prices. I sure hope it will reduce the mail shuffle between alts!

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and a psa the reagents in the warband bank can be used without getting them out of the bank


One, maybe two. I could afford more, but I already have a guild bank that serves the same purpose. I don’t see myself using this much beyond a select few account bound items and centralized gold storage. I tend to hoard gold, not items.

Nah, costs are fine. It wasn’t any different in SWTOR when they introduced the Legacy bank. It’s a gold sink. It’s meant to be something you work towards over time.

It will depend heavily on how much I feel like I need, probably start with the first 2 and only get more if I end up feeling like I need them. But I don’t keep a ton of stuff

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yeah, I’m thinking this, too. it’s an additional 98 slots and since I play mostly 1 toon, this is sufficient to me:

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I plan on buying them all, not because I need them, but because I can, so I will.

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name checks out! :upside_down_face:


Just 2.

Honestly 100k is too steep for me, and 500k is an absolute forget about it.

I don’t do anything to make gold though. I also don’t spend much gold except for repairs and transmogging and some raiding things like flasks.

But I am very cheap at spending gold. And too lazy to make gold. Only time I had lots of gold was with Garrisons and I spent it all on WoW tokens when they were 100k so I didn’t have to spend $ for game time for years. But now I am back to buying an annual sub and poor lol.

One, maybe a second one if needed which I doubt I’ll need tbh.

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