Idk like 2 maybe. Im not sure what id ever need the storage for.
Probably 1.
I already have 2x personal guilds (one Alliance and one Horde).
I transfer stuff between characters often so I’ll be getting the first.
Most likely will get the second as having a shared reagent space would be handy.
If gold drops are way up in TWW, and the use of barter items continue, I can see picking up the third.
The last two however, nope… not at those prices, there is much better things to spend that gold on. Many in-game items I still haven’t collected. The last tab alone is 8 months of game time via token.
Id be surprised if I even buy the first one, but I might.
Not interested in blizzards new way to gouge.
I have my characters in personal guilds and use those banks. Think I’ll stick to that and not feel to get irritated about how Ion turned yet another cool idea into a gold sink.
I’ll be buying 4 tomorrow.
TLDR; you don’t need everything!
One, or maybe two. Not more than that though as the past has taught me that blizzard will eventually change it so it is cheaper, cheaper and finally it is just something we get.
What you people are ignoring is how Blizzard will make it almost necessary to get at least 3 of those tabs. They’ll do this by adding all sorts of stupid items that will quickly fill up your bags like they did in Dragonflight. You usually don’t need the items right away, but might need them at a further date. So they slowly accumulate until you run out of room or sell the items and miss out on their potential use.
You don’t have alt’s you want to transfer Warbound gear or currencies to?
still not even sure what this is all about, tbh.
my mains are all horde, so cross-faction transfer is no issue for me.
All of them.
I have 6 million gold atm (I had 7 million until last night when I spent 999k on the frog mounts in Nazmir)
I got gold to spare.
Just one when they become available and it’ll just used as a pantry for my characters.
I’ll definitely get the first one, cause 1kg is nothing. Beyond that, not likely. I just don’t use the bank much.
I will get the first 3 and depending on if my junk sells I will get the 4th.
Same as you Trust, gonna buy the first 3 and then wait to see how that pans out and if I need a tab 4. With combined gold, I think half a mill wouldn’t make me poor but it is not inconsequential, and I dunno how necessary it’s gonna be.
I will only be doing the first three tabs. Every time Blizzard has attached a cost to a quality of life feature such as dual talent, faster flight, etc. They have always either reduced the price or eliminated it completely unlike gold sink mounts, pets, and toys which remain static.
It’s basically a guild bank for your account. So, if you have a Scribe who is also an herbalist and an alt whose an alchemist. You can put your herbs in the warbank and both your Scribe and Alchemist can craft from it.
Probably just the one, but depends on if a reagent tab exists because - if not - then probably two tabs. I can’t imagine a scenario where anyone would need 5 tabs; we have a tab in the guild bank that’s all snowballs for no reason there’s too much space lol.
Another old school player. Nice to meet you and you too are valued member of the WoW community.
Mmmmm I’ll think I will buy 2 tabs for now and I finish the rest later.
Every tab can be an account wide reagent tab if you want it to be. It’s an option you turn on and off per tab.
I’ll be buying 2 tabs on day 1 (one for reagents and one for gear/other stuff).
I estimate that I only have around 300-500k gold total across all of my toons, so I’m not prepared to drop 100k on anything. But this is a cool long term goal to work toward for those that need the storage.