So. How many Warbank tabs are you gonna buy?

Just the first three, like presumably most people. I don’t really need more space than that.

2.5M is an absurd price tag, but there are probably enough players who’ll be bothered by not having unlocked all tabs and who might consider buying tokens just to fix that.

Yea the first 3 will probably be more than enough for me. Don’t really have a problem with the later tabs costing much.

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Those spots are targeting the true horders.

The first 3 will give something like 290 storage spaces…on top of personal banks (and potentially private guild banks)

I’m sure there are people out there that could fill it, but definitely not me. And I definitely don’t need the extra 2 tabs.

Wow, first I’m seeing the prices. Considering I have no problem with my current toon banks it looks like I’ll be only buying tab 1.


I’ll buy 0 just like normal bank tabs I won’t bother using them.


I’ve already stockpiled the gold to unlock them all.

I may well have them all filled by the end of the day.

I’m going to do a big reorganization of my storage of legacy mats across alts and over the prepatch and see if there’s anything I knock off my big todo list of legacy crafting. Then hopefully enter TWW with an empty warbank once more and try to keep my character bags emptier this expansion.

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We are old school.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Im buying 3 tabs - but I try to cover most professions and will be mainly using the warband bank for profession materials - especially because when you are crafting the materials can be in the warband bank and dont need to be in your bags.

i have been trying it out on beta and have developed a plan for what goes where in the three tabs. I do need three but can do ok without a fourth tab.

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the first four are not and for the last one ,I would argue that seasoned players already have millions


one, maybe two at first. maybe the third sometime if i buy a token or gold is easier to get somehow in TWW without having to do dragonriding races or actual hard content because i am a lame casual loser newb.

I’m using my personal gbank for all the legacy mats. My warbank will be used for current expac mats only. As someone who has 3 miners, engy, alchy, herby, BS, chanter, tailor, JC and soon second herby and new inscritptionist…I need a LOT of space.

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Seeing as I have enough gold to buy all 5, in reality maybe 2 at the start, 3 if it got that bad. But having 36 characters, and all their bank space, a guild that 33 of my characters are all in, I don’t really have a storage problem.

In beta I’ve gotten up to tab 4.

Once it hits retail I will more than likely just get up to the 3rd.

I’ve never had a guild bank, so a lot of clutter and duplication has accumulated over the years in my reagent banks (despite attempts to control it)

All but the final tab, might hold off on the penultimate tab until I see how much I actually use. I have around 50 characters but I don’t craft and essentially don’t use most of their banks.

0, because none of my characters even have a full bank to begin with, not even my old Vanilla main.

No point in buying more space if I don’t even use what’s already provided.


Probably just going to get them all. At least 4. Though I just cleaned out my alts banks this weekend. Nice to have the room.

I need a place to store SOULBOUND things, cant use guild bank so for the love of…

Just give me 100 slot bags…

Edit: make that 125 slot.

Edit: cant we just have unlimited cloud storage?

4 tabs. The 5th is way too expensive, and I’ll only get 4 because I have spare gold.

Are those the actual prices?
Ill buy 2 maybe 3.