So, how long until they give us the option to make Dwarf Evokers?

Basically everybody can be a monk or a death knight now, so it can’t be too long. Maybe by next expansion?

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Never going to happen because of the evoker animations. They were specifically designed for dracthyr. You can hope, but I wouldn’t get your hopes too high.


They could make custom animations that are universal across race model rigs. That way it will cut down the time it would take to make unique animations for each humanoid race.

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Never. Evokers isn’t a class to learn, it is something the dracthyr are born into.


They could do a lot of things, but the fact remains they’ve already said evokers will never be available to other races. Your best and only hope would be visage forms, and I’m fairly certain they’ve already said no to that as well.


You never know.

They might just give us grace on the visage forms. Stay tuned.

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Imagine. You’re a dwarf and you’re blessed by the aspects of the 5 dragonflights. Infused with draconic power, you’re able to manifest wings and claws and bellow out scorching flames. You aren’t actually a dragon, but you can evoke this power to soar across the ground and scorch it with your breath. You’re made of flesh and skin, but you can evoke the power of the dragonflights that infuses you to manifest tough scales.

C’mon! Anyone can become an evoker, just as anyone can become a warlock. You’d just have to have the might of dragons suffuse your being.

Maybe dwarves aren’t your thing. Okay, try this…



It was Neltharion who made and created evokers it’s not a learned class.

I could have sworn the lore was explained through Dragonflight.


It was, so many times in fact that a lot of people want them to ignore the lore just to add other races. That or make some BS lore, like that dudes post of “blessing of the 5 aspects”. Mate, if they could do that, there would have been no need for the experiments and failed versions being a thing.

Asking for dragon aspect blessing is just ignoring every lore point of dragon flight or before. Chromatic dragons are literally a failed version of the dracthyr as well.

Sad event of things.

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Monks and Death Knights were specifically marketed as being available to most everyone upon released.

blizzard says alot of things they dont follow through with or change their mind on or just lie about. the only thing they have going for them to defend not doing it is the fact evoker is the least played class in the game so they could argue it isnt worth the effort and resources to do all this work for something nobody plays but outside of that theres no real argument other than waaa i dont wana

If you are talking visage forms sure but if you are talking the actual race I hope never. I mean there no demon hunter not an elf. Honestly wow has gone far enough in homogenizing everything. We need some baked in differences.

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I found this thread while googling to see how I witnessed a Dwarven Devastation Evoker in Dornogal today. I tried to create one but I did not have the option so I figure it had to be someone running a test case.

I actually do not understand why we cannot be other races than BE and Human. Dracthyr all over Valdrakken are different races. Tauren, Drae, Dwarf, NE, all of them.

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That’s too bad. We should be able to visage into any form.

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My understanding, so take it for what it’s worth, is they don’t want to allow just normal visage forms, meaning run of the mill dwarves, gnomes, orcs, etc… They want people to use the visage forms that exist now because they have extra customization.

In short, they don’t want to spend the time adding those features onto other races, and they don’t want plain visage forms. Sucks, hopefully they change it at some point. Funnily enough, I’d probably play evoker more, I just can’t stand male belfs and female human forms.

It was a mog. Either a toy or doing an event

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Maybe you’re right but I don’t think that usually affects the labels in the box you see when hovering over someone. Theirs clearly said Dwarf Evoker.

It does effect the race title. Had a NE use one of those toys that transforms them. It went from NE warrior to Tauran Warrior. So yeah, it does affect the names as well.