So how long til blizzard fixes rdruids ya think?

Heres the tea…

rdruid output is insane right now, not a single person can disagree with that.

hpal isn’t bad, saying it is, is very dumb and you should probably learn how to play hpal. (hmu for coaching kappa)

more comps than just rmpal are viable for pally, you just suck if you can’t get higher with anything but rmpal.

i don’t think nerfing damage spec is good rn, other dmg specs just need buffs to counter things like destro and ww, or atleast to compete with.

if they gave overall buffs to many dps specs and buffed output healing on the specs that need it then the game would be faster paced and healthier.



Agree 100% with your points and, in regards to this:

IMO, the problem is with Nourish. They kept the new Nourish and reverted part of the nerfs from Sep 2018. but when our mastery stacks up with a huge increase in haste from both gear and procs from enchants, traits, etc, Nourish cast is reduced to 1.4-1.5 secs and it heals for a ton, so we can basically spam that crap over and over with little punishment.

Removing Nourish without other changes would take rdruids back to trashcan levels as our HoTs alone aren’t strong enough to keep somebody alive and our only option would be, once again, spam regrowth over and over again (which is a dumb playstyle). Another option is to stop dps using Cyclone, but Cyclone is extremely expensive (mana wise) and risky to use due it’s short range and because it shares the same school as our heals (locked in clone means we can’t heal … at all). Hard to think about a good way to balance this crap without breaking it.

I’ve been waiting for druids to be nerfed since Wrath.

good luck with that

a lot of Blizz employees must play that class.


BFA Glad is free for any and all classes regardless.

Nourish output is insane and needs a nerf. Accounting for 30%+ of a Druids healing in games where its used often in addition to applying a hot for free. Without it the spec is more than fair.

Stop bringing prot pally into it. There was 1 prot pal that got r1. If they were good or broken you would see more then 1 or 2 high rated…

In Legion, you could basically predict the following week’s balance hotfixes after watching the arena tournament.

In a BFA Q&A, Ion said they’re taking a more hands-off approach to PvP balancing. They want to let the meta develop on its own. If your spec/class is weak during the current season, maybe it’ll be stronger in a later season.


Gotta love Lawyerspeak!

Dear Albert, my guess is 1.5 months.