You realize mw was literally 100 x worse.
Now rdruid is on par with pali and has higher skill cap we hear all the QQ
You realize mw was literally 100 x worse.
Now rdruid is on par with pali and has higher skill cap we hear all the QQ
Not even close. MW was still a viable kill target… Rdruid isnt even close to a kill target.
And think pally and rdruid are on same tier is laughable.
Cringe thread
Imagine thinking being a kill target define how good the class is.
We must have been playing a different game.
More likely you were playing mw
Nope but it looks like you play with a resto druid.
Pretty ironic right?
I play fury for 2s, arms for 3s, cupid for giggles, dh because its 4 buttons.
I don’t heal lol
Yeah just imagining how many rdruids ive incapped out of form without HoTs into a sweep that just die
That’s longer than the 2 hours it took for UDK to get nerfed after buffs though.
That’s why u que w a mw or rdruid right lol
yeah cuz no good hpals exist or they are all playing rmpala
yeah that brings us to why WW needs nerfs also. best melee in the game.
yeah nice switch of topic because you know you’re wrong. everybody already knows ww needs nerfs.
The fact u say good hpal shows ur brainless. There’s only so much u can do as hpal. Tell me what buttons we have. Lol
Good “hpals” play with good players and that’s what ur mistaking.
Anyway I’m literally done having an argument over this when I literally play a hpal with some idiot who runs prot ww and thinks he knows every mechanic in the game lol.
so much bias in this thread
Look at the ww dk game today. Zach the “good hpal” won the games right cuz he’s realllly good right?
No he won bc his comp and the players. NEWSFLASH literally any pally in existence could last 30 seconds with their cds to secure a win.
But we’ll go with dorito and they prolly won that cuz the “good hpal obviously”
Don’t you use gladiator lossa?
yes he won because he counter comped the disc priest with 3x maledicts
Don’t you mean counter comp the priest with picking any other healer?
And definitely not wrong. Rdruids are ahead of EVERY other healer.