So how long Blizzard, how many threads

Before you actually stop multiboxing? You do realize that it is not only an immersion killer, it’s basically pay to win, pay to farm, pay to crash the economy?

There are other, interesting games on the horizon that are not going to allow multiboxing as it is in it’s current form. Why are you still stuck in some weird mindset, thinking that it’s okay?

If there was any other subject with this much controversy, with this much attention, you would have addressed it long ago, but not when it comes to multiboxing. Why? There arent enough of them to put a dent in your bottom line so it’s not a money issue. There are though, enough of them to ruin the economy of many servers, destroy peoples leveling experience and ruin PvP. But you still do nothing.

I’m beginning to thing some of the companies higher ups are either participating in this questionable activity or have family that are because it just doesnt make sense otherwise, at this point, why it’s being allowed to continue.

You need to stop being backward thinking, stuck in the past and progress on this issue, like you are on other things in SL. This is still a glaring problem.


Get gud, kill the main one and then the rest are standing still like the aliens from toy story looking at the claw


you could make a million and they won’t stop it
It doesnt really actually harm people and they make like 5 times the money off one person than they otherwise would

Frankly they don’t care what you think about it


It doesnt really actually harm people

cough Zin’anthid market cough


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So I get to buy stuff cheaper because of them?
Cool let’s have more multiboxers then


If it’s that big of a deal to you, then quit.

I’m not being facetious, Blizzard makes decisions based on money. Multiboxers give them more money than you. If you want to impact their decision on the matter, it’s going to require you quitting and convincing a bunch of other people to do the same, all while making it clear that multiboxers is your primary reason for no longer giving the company money.

Best of luck.


Honestly there cant be all that many Multiboxers really propping up their subscriber money, right?

I just dont get why they dotn do the right thing. Especially when we are going into a new expansion and all the resource nodes will be new and untapped.

Its super depressing to think of exploring the new zones and seeing a conglomerated mass of druids running around ahead of me and AOEing mobs and taking all the new herbs.


Exactly how do you do that when they’re no in WM and on your same faction? LOL

Multiboxers are annoying, but not this level of hyperbole that warrants more spam threads.


yeah cause boxer’s definitely dont farm gold for their sub costs LOL. They play for free dude use your brain


I wish I could be bored enough to care about multiboxers.


Blizzard likes that even more, because every token they buy with gold someone else spent $20 on instead of a $15 sub.

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people buy tokens with real money.
Blizzard makes more cash this way.
So even if they do pay with gold, it changes nothing other than blizzard earns more than 5x the sub cost

From a purely money point why would they

people would still buy that 20$ token anyway and the next person down the line would purchase the token for game time. boxer didnt contribute anything.

You know Blizzard can see it’s the same people making the same complaints and they’re probably not going to make such a major change for 10 people.


But some one bought the 20 Dollar token to buy with gold

yes the person who wanted gold purchased the token with IRL money correct not the boxer…

Gg,oh just stop this madness.

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