So how fast is boosting really?

Hate boost runs all you want, but nothing beats rested xp in boosts.

Worth it for any player

That’s what it is used for. You can shave a couple hours off 1-20 by doing mobtagging. It is also an optional way of boosting at 48+ if you have a multiboxxer that can instantly kill open world level 60 elites that you tag.

When questing in the mid 30s as a solo player I would usually top out around 20-25,000 xp per hour. In the same level range while getting boosted in SM and Mara if your booster is good you can go up to 100,000 xp per hour. So it’s upward of 4 times faster compared to a typical questing experience.

you can go from 15 to 25 in stockades with a booster doing 12 minute runs (12 minutes multiplied by the maximum number of instances per hour (5) equals 1 hour right on the dot) it will take about 3 hours to get to lvl 25

essentially you have a dead level 1 in your party and tag everything then mages AOE it down and you get near full solo exp because of the dead level 1 in the party even though you kill nothing yourself.