So how exactly is GDKP banned?

Because they slurp up RMT gold (if they don’t outright buy it themselves)

People who buy gold and then go to GDKPs


This guy pretending that the “gdkp community” is some exclusive thing to join. Dog you’re all in it because you buy and sell gold


Theres plenty of people who don’t pay for gold that GDKP, but they all benefit from gold that other people bought. GDKP is also the most inclusive raid community ever because you can get in with your wallet

I’m sure a few people might try it. The system is called Suicide Kings (assuming you were replying to the post right above yours). I was in a guild once that used it and it was pretty chill. Wouldn’t mind using that system again in fresh.


I don’t even buy this as an argument.

They may not be buying later into the lifespan of a given version of classic, but I have zero doubt at all they were buying it until they could gear up to the point that they didn’t need to buy any longer but were perfectly happy to slurp up RMT gold from someone else.

These GDKP cheaters aren’t convincing anyone that this isn’t how it works

I have plenty of friends that love GDKP who don’t buy gold (and a couple that have bought gold for GDKP) every one of them agree on one thing though, and thats that someone, usually multiple people, are bringing gold they bought online

No I’m in it cuz I’m good.

You aren’t in it cuz you’re bad.

Notice you and the 23 rat lock are hiding?

Wonder why?

Cuz we both know if anyone saw your logs they would clown you.

You’re not a legitmate player.

I’m not in it because I don’t play with cheaters

I don’t take criticism from cheaters, gold buyers, and people who play with those people seriously.

It’s not like it matters. Your claim to fame is an old game that I’ve beaten to death, and you had to cheat to do it lawl


People that enjoy GDKPs just want decent pug runs, that aren’t the mess SR / MS > OS often become

They ban it, so most just won’t run with pugs

I linked you some of my cutting edges in the last thread I rekt you in.

Then you disappeared from the thread lmfao.

You didn’t beat anyone at anything besides crying about gdkps.

Still waiting for you to post your cutting edges like you said.

I have a feeling I’ma be waiting a long time tho.

Like I said in the other thread that you abandoned because you got rekt, you been playing wow for 20 years and have never accomplished anything in it and you have never done any of the harder content wow has to offer

You’re a nobody hiding on a rat because you have to hide, sucks to suck

Imagine thinking that people hang on your every word. I post on the characters I feel like posting on, not what some cheating gold buying cuck demands I post on.

You didn’t rEKt anything. You’re pissed off you can’t cheat in this version of the game, all while pretending you’re someone special. You’re just a random nobody who can’t play the game without cheating.


You post on toons with no history because you need to hide how bad you are.

You think we all don’t know that lmfao?

IDC if gdkps aren’t on fresh I’m playing 1 toon in the guild I have been in since wotlk launched lmfao.

I’m starting to think you can’t read at all, because I have said this 100 times.

You’re bad at the game and need to hide, your life is posting in gdkps threads for no reason because they are banned. You come here to troll and call everyone a gold buyer when the truth is half your guild is buying gold, you’re bad at the game.

I linked you some cutting edges, where was yours?

I will be selling boosts to half your guild please make sure they buy enough gold to pay me

You didn’t and even if you had, given the type of player you are I wouldn’t believe you didn’t buy them lmao

Says a cheater.

That’s a lot of coping

You don’t got anything you can say to me cuz I’m a superior player.

You gotta hide, you’re insecure on a video game forum lmfao, imagine irl.

For sure there’s a lot of players who gt wildly upset about what others are doing even though they can simply do other raid formats.

Those people get more upset that you ruin server economies with your RMT antics. What you do affects all of us.


I can’t wait to sell boosts I really hope everybody is buying enough gold.

They can just use one of the sites being spammed in trade chat or lfg

I’ll take things that aren’t happening for “This guy is a gold buying cheater”

You do realize I’m not fake like you right?

I will just take a screenshot of it when I get off work and post it here… This really is not that hard…

Acting like I’m lying or something

im in a discord that runs them on sod. They run a tab in discord, give people their gear and a day later they pay, and do cuts.

I haven’t seen a single one of these messages on the same realm, opposite faction. Yea.

You’re a liar.