So how exactly is GDKP banned?

I am very biased after running with some great crews over the last couple years.

Some of MR’s Gdkps were super fun too over the last year or so. I can’t think of a single time we had someone in our raid that you could call a gold buyer.

We were able to recruit people from our MC and BWL because we set the vibe right.

On the flip side I’ve talked with gdkp runners that live in Venezuela or Asia and they are able to sell their gold for RMT and that’s how they pay the bills. I know some might not want to hear this, but I’m like- Look at this dude hustling playing wow :joy:-
Respect , What a life (not)

Anyways- It’s not the end of the world blitz took it out of anniversary- I think more in game moderation would have been a better as a whole. I’m kinda looking forward to PVP for the year more than raiding.