So how exactly is GDKP banned?

The money is dumped in the speed pots, engineering items, and scrolls.

Flask are really powerful in Classic, that’s not to contend against. But since they’re limited with black lotus most raiders aren’t expected to get them.

A classic warrior and a tbc hunter are something to be aware of when it comes to consumables for newer players.

The AH is also polluted by the same gold buyers regardless of GDKP. The problem is the gold buyers always has been always will be.

The only solution is to permanently ban the full battlnet account of any gold buyer no matter now small a purchase so long as it can be 100% proven to be a real gold purchase.

Doing this with no way to recover the account and meaning both the name of the characters and the entire associated losses is catastrophic enough that they’re less likely to buy again if they come back on a new battle net account.

That’s fine but you don’t have to be claiming as you do on a bunch of threads that GDKPs are actually antagonistic to RMT. I participate in GDKPs and make money from the AH, but I’m not in denial about how other players’ reckless spending (which at least for some must be facilitated by RMT) makes it easier to get a profit in those zero sum or near zero sum spaces.


Wrong, I won what I wanted all of Wrath and made my gold using JC and the Auction House.

They’re probably just paypalling each other money with the automated gold trading bans taking place.

You legitimately don’t have to ‘have a way’ for this, if you simply play the game.
My 60 raids with consumables that were crafted by my Alchemist with mats picked by my herbalist… Zero gold cost other than a few flight paths.
Likewise all of my enchants were with materials produced by disenchanting on my enchanter.

If you play this way, you will quickly see that the only real uses for gold are buying mounts, repairs, and unlocking bank slots- two of which are finite/completable upgrades that then stop costing your character. At super end-game on your account, gold is simply just for repairs, and you’ll have way more of it than you need.

Banning GDKP is one step toward curbing the RMT issue. Not a final solution.


How much of the RMT problem has been solved then?

The only problem that needs to be Solved is getting some REAL GM’s in game to ban gold buyers permanently without mercy, no recovery not chance to ever use that same Battlenet acct again.

Permanent full Battlnet acct bans are the ONLY way to fix the RMT problem; the problems that FRESH have are not GDKP because it does not exist in FRESH, but the gold buying in FRESH is a no joke all time high.

Gold buyers must be punished with perma bans no matter how little or how much they buy.


Only Blizzard has that information.


Apparently enough to warrant the GDKP ban.


But not enough to ban it in other versions?

How has it changed for you with the ban?

Nothing to buy gold for now guys

People will figure out how to do it as long as there is a demand for it. Thats just how humans work. Prohibition ect.

it’s actually win to pay

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I’ve noticed that anniversary server so far has all the things:
Gold Buying
Bots farming mats and instances

All the necessary things for a gold seller to exist are still there, and the best loot system is gone.


Blizzard isn’t doing anything about these things and you are happy?

GDKP was never really the issue for gold buying.

It’s players and their attitudes

(And people that live in 3rd world countries that can make a living selling gold)

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So pretty much the same thing that has existed for 20 years. You’ll find RMT on all MMO’s.

Hardly the best loot system, unless you mean it’s good when an entire realm economy and guild environment is based on RMT.

Blizzard has more to do, sure. That being said, the GDKP ban is a step in the right direction. You pretending that RMT is running rampant like it is in cata classic or era is silly though.

Yes it was.

Right. The gold buying and selling gdkp enjoyers.

(And gold buyers and sellers in the GDKP environment.)


Blizzard doesn’t want people selling BoP raid gear for gold, they think it’s yucky, like /spit.

Seems a lot of people agree for a multitude of reasons.

:expressionless: :man_shrugging: :axe:

Hey at least you understand this. If I had of spelled it out I would get called GDKP simp regardless of the fact that I have done 5 GDKP’s so far in my entire time playing WoW. With that said they were all very enjoyable runs that ran near 89% of what I would expect from a seasoned raid guild. That’s really damn good when you think about it.

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