So how does death in Maldraxxus work?

The Kyrian are blue angels, not blue witches. I mean, at least they appear to be less witchy.

Other than my gimmicky response, I agree with your concept that into oblivion we go when we shift off the un-mortal coil of Shadowlands

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Well, you come back there and the same ppl are fighting right?

Oh my…damnit, I have no likes, you crafty goblin

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My question is: What happens to stuff indigenous to the Shadowlands when they die, like the Gorm or the Stewards?

Do they just not get an afterlife, because they started out in the afterlife? Or is there an “aftererlife” for them?

Outside of the shtick, yeah I’m guessing there are two forms of “oblivion.” Based on how plenty of NPCs talk, either through rando chatter to leaders on how it is approached in their conversations easily dictates both are plausible, in a lesser and Greater form.

In an edited combo to add on… from what I said earlier

Where spirits were close to “passing” but saved, making claims to have witnessed Oblivion. Suggesting there is possible another afterlife - possibly the true life after death, might hold some level of truth due to the locals / indigenous life.

While you get baddies stating they will send our souls to oblivion. Utterly destroying us and the lot to cease no more on any level. Same here.

Lesser version, lower case “o” oblivion - would mean utter destruction and absolute nothing; where only very few magics can pull off.

Greater version, upper case “O” Oblivion - the ultimate realm of passing. The passing through / of the ethereal attachments to the realm past the veil. Shadowlands.

Hard to say - it is just my speculation on trying to understand how SL / Afterlife in WoW works. And in theory, both work here due to the specific magics and chatter that depending how one dies in SL is which form of oblivion they must face.

I.E: Fel is complete erasure. The Jailer forging mourne weapons out of spirits/souls would most highly likely be absolute oblivion. Spirit sundered by soulforged/mourn weapons, etc.
While anima starved “death” to being drain of all anima by non fel/jailer means and similar/beaten badly to succumb to spiritual wounds would be passing unto the realm of Oblivion

The Maldraxxi, Kyrian and Venthyr have Bodies and thus can come back from being killed in the Shadowlands.

The Souls in Ardenweald as well as the Disembodied Souls in the Maw, Revendreth and Bastion can be killed Deader than Dead due to lacking a Body though leave behind Anima that will coalesce into Death Elementals over time.

The Shades of the Maw are Death Elementals resulting from the Mawsworn hacking away at the Soul cutting away the Stygia(Spirit/Life Energies) until only Anima is left! Shade Amalgamations are the most knowledgeable of these Death Elementals.

Can you imagine the actual horror that an NPC witnesses when we die. We get slain and become omnipresent just to walk to our corpse and absorb the skin and organs to become whole. What is left is the bones, and an NPC in shock.

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The more I think about how they set up the Shadowlands, the more upset it makes me because it makes so little sense. So, I’ve decided to not think about it that much. It’s made playing the game much more bearable. It’s like that saying: Ignorance is bliss. Even if in this case it’s less ignorance about the new lore and more about not dwelling on it.

My neighbor played WoW… they died in the Shadowlands and now their house is empty… I’m kind of concerned.

I’d think this was well explained in the questline to recruit Emeni. Her questline is all about her being upset that the body she worked so hard to design was destroyed, and you have to help her build a replacement. Then she just goes into the body when its finished, “possesses” it, and resumes fighting.

So from that quest chain alone, I’m assuming that all of them are in constructed bodies that they designed themselves or had a Maldraxxian designer design for them. I’m also assuming that “killing” the constructed body doesn’t hurt the soul at all aside from ejecting it from their body and leaving it exposed. Explains why they aren’t afraid to risk their bodies in the arena.

Still not sure why some characters like Draka have their original bodies. Only explanation would be that they designed their construct bodies to look like their original bodies.

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The only things that can be perma-killed are disembodied Souls and Natives to the Shadowlands.

Natives to Bastion are the Stewards, Natives to Maldraxxus are the Death Elementals(not to be mistaken for Ghost Elementals which aren’t Natives nor disembodied Souls), Natives to Ardenweald are the Night Fae, Natives to Revendreth are Dredgers and Natives to the Maw are Shades!

Everything else in those Zones aren’t Native to the Shadowlands(not even the so-called Wildlife including the Anima Wyrms) and thus will be kicked out of their Bodies once they decay badly enough!

They are dead and recycled for parts.

Maldraxxus are excellent at recycling. Nature boys ain’t got nothing on us.

But in Ardenweald, the comment is made “I hope they come back as something useful to the Queen next time.” when a bad guy is taken down. So at least the night fae seem to believe in some sort of reincarnation. Whether they’re right about that or not is a whole other question.

Oh, they come back alright. Usually as another arm or foot attached to some giant 20ft tall Patchwerk.