So how DO you pronounce Ythisens?

All the letters are silent. It’s pronounced Bill.

Ask Lore…

Yay-tee-he-saynz-zzzzzzzzz :sleeping:

Just call him “YEET” for short

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I just say yetis lol

lol personally I was so lazy, that my brain never bothered interpreting it, basically I would read the letters but in my head I would call him “Yithians”

It is likely consistent with Ysera and Yggdrasil, with the EE sound, as in sEEd.

so in context, EEthisens. The rest of the name is impossible to for certain without syllable or other vowel stresses. It could also be a reference to something else.

Y’thisens, Ythis’ens. I would presume the ‘i’ is prounounced with a flat i sound as in ‘this’ and the ‘e’ is the same as ‘gents’. The first s could possibly take on more of ‘z’ sound.

Tyson :rofl::rofl:

I say:


This is also why I never actually pronounce it.

In my head it’s yithens and nothing will ever change that now
