So how do you gut a healer that bad?

Not something you do that often in shuffle but in 3s it’s good.

Beacon of lightbringer talent makes mastery just a flat % healing increase and it’s more healing per stat than vers. If you maintain double zones it’s like a 15% healing increase(like having wings up)


Double zone kind of interesting because if you’re ever not being rotted heavily it’s just such an extreme amount of mastery.


u were in a bualock video recently and he was roasting u

What would compel one to mention this

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Not sure why this matters coming from a tank player.

maybe they’ll go look at the video and explain their side , i thought it was cool seeing someone from forums in a yt video

this makes no sense

I’ve literally never heard of this person.

multi glad , although it looks like he doesn’t care about 3s this xpac after peaking almost 2.8, rank 5 shuff lock player

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Idk I looked through his recent videos and could t find what you are talking about. This guy plays on EU region, not NA

This helps explain why I’ve never heard of him XD

Nvm i hit glad what a struggle playing 4 days left of season from s3