So how do we get AB rep from Bloodmoon event?

In this update from Jan 29 going into the phase 2 of SOD.

It says under the pictures of the Bloodmoon mounts.

“There are also new quests which will help you earn Arathi Basin reputation. This event will not have an associated world buff.”

Where is our reputation farm for Arathi Basin?

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It was Stranglethorn lumber from the StV event vendor, it was taken out after the first day of release as it wasn’t giving any rep, we are almost a week later and its still not back on the vendor

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My point exactly, we are fixing damage coefficients, visuals of skills and even phase 1 problems daily yet no one has addressed this part of Bloodmoon which was removed day one with no reasoning and would probably be the biggest thing keeping players involved in Bloodmoon. Right now we already have a lack of healers since they didnt need many coins.

I would just be a bit more patient for now.
We had crazy easy rep form Ashenvale and I have like 40 silver saved upfor the AB tokens by now.

It was in the game but bugged so they took it off, and its probably lower priority on their sprints.

They have been doing a decent amount of fixes, changes, tweaks all around and probably working on the next phase content stuff as well.

Together we shall wait.

They are holding off on that to see how ppl play the event to figure out something that’s not abusable easily by the most like ashenvale was. Some ppl hit revered in ashenvale the 1st day or 2 when things were chaotic.

They should be fixing this phases problems not editing last or working on next phase if this phase wasn’t ready. The phases are not long enough to delay content.

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An announcement or forum post would be nice. Being patient is one thing, but radio silence is another.

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Where did they say that?

right up there.

Nowhere. That’s what I think they are doing.

Oh ok thanks wow dev. So I can keep doing Bloodmoon and save my coins for rep later?

I wouldn’t count on that honestly.

If I’d design it I’d never tie the AB rep to the coin. I’d tie it to event participation. Coin is easily manipulatable as some ppl are making 50 coin per event and some 1000. The gap is huge.

Not a wow dev by the way.

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I don’t see 1k as being abused from the amounts I get without trying anything special. If you’re only getting 50 you are either losing blood to bugs or you are probably playing with a joystick.

I get 200+ coins casually solo’ing and dying every 30 seconds, I assume a group with a healer can do 500-800 easily

is there ever gonna be an update to this?

Any updates?

It’s there and works. I did it earlier today.

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the rep item is on the vendor as of 2 days ago 1 silver coin for 200 rep. can be turned in past revered as well

You’re a druid, you can heal fine, learn2play.

They? Ok Druid who is bad at their class. lol