So how did you all get your Epic Mount back in the day?

Im bored and tired of the typical General topics.

How did you all get your epic riding at level 60 back in the day? What did you farm?

I ended up picking up the recipe for savory deviate delights off the neutral AH for like 16 gold and sold stacks of that to get my mount.

Point of clarification im talking Original Vanilla Epic riding.

That ones easy.
I didnt.
I joined way later :stuck_out_tongue:

The level 40 riding? I’m confused.

I think in BfA some quests gave me the gold for it.

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I don’t remember; I’m not even 100% sure I got it before BC dropped.

I remember I got epic flying in BC by farming Thorium in SIlithus and smelting/selling the bars.

I had to grind out the gold for riding skill like anything else. For the mount itself I did tons of PvP and worked my way up in the ranks to get the Nightsaber.

Theyre on about 20 years ago back in vanilla.

Ohh I was too young then. I see!


I got the rank 11 mount.


I got help from friends and questing with the regular mount. But I didn’t quest out enough funds for an epic mount until BC.

If I remember right the AV ram came with 100% speed, so I didn’t need to pay the 1k gold. I didn’t get the paladin charger mount until level 65 during BC when a guildie and I two maned Scholomance for our chargers.

I was farming RFD and SM. I was farming them for blues to turn into shards for the AH. I got my Arcanite Reaper (that was 650g) first, and then when I went to get the mount, a guildie was a Seargent, so got a 10% break on the mounts. So I gave him the cash monies, and he bought my mount for me.

I farmed herbs around Ungoro Crater every morning before work.

Sold herbs and heavy leather from stv to afford the training (think this was a week straight of butchering animals, went from 30 to 43 in that zone mostly without quests). Mount choice was the Stormpike Charger, 100 alterac valley honor marks if memory serves.

I remember flight training too, first basic was snowy gryphon, epic was the red gryphon. Gold earned by doing terocone farming loop, high school time i did this while doing homework, usually 6 hours an evening after school lol.

I joined in WoD so kinda given for free

If I remember correctly, I got mine with the paladin charger mount quest.

Shirts and Stonescale eels! A few flowers too.

Way back in Vanilla I was determined to take it slow and not get addicted to WoW like I was with Diablo 2. I put my effort into other things like fishing, exploration, crafting, and just generally seeing all the things there were to see.

Pretty early on I figured out that herbalism and fishing were both a good steady supply of gold. Especially anything used for PvP, dungeon, or raid consumables. I was, after all, a giant chicken who was only on a PvP server because my friends were. So I made a rogue with tailoring (bags and shirts), and herbalism. I could stealth around to out of the way places and just fish in peace, farm herbs, or farm cloth.

My two biggest money makers were shirts and stonescale eels. Back then eels were used for a potion that tanks needed for raids. They only “ran” (had good catch rates) in the evening when everyone else was raiding. I would take myself over to Tanaris to a little cove up the coast and fish for a few hours. Headed back to sell those eels for nice profits.

Shirts were just fun to make as I was leveling tailoring and it was kind of an RP thing for me. I was the server shirtmaker. When our guild finally got Precious’ shirt to drop a few years later, they gave the roll to me as shirt person. I am STILL wearing my sleeveless pink shirt and have the Best in Show buff.

That is how shirts, eels, and flowers bought me a horsie.

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I pretty much dominated the leather market on the server I was on. People were quite upset with me and I received a lot of nasty messages about buying out their leather and reposting it once I was able to.

I learned a valuable lesson… Make a Bank/Auction alt

It was a birthday gift

Couple of real life friends all chipped in some gold, and while I was setting up Halo LAN one jumped onto the computer, logged on (good old post-it note passwords) and baught it for me.

Purple Skeletal Warhourse!

Warlock Dreadsteed with a little help from my friends. One of the most fun days I’ve ever had in wow.