I’m one of those boomers who wish Blood Elves stayed a little fiendish and dark compared to the typical high elf tropes we see in fiction. You know, the Blood Elves we saw in Warcraft 3 up until the tail end of TBC (a short time, I know but it left an impression).
Edit: I have been unable to talk on the forums for over a week. The GMs told me to open up a forum post about the issue.
So I guess I’m just blocked from using the forums ever again. Bye guys!
In fact, according to behind the scenes interviews, they made the blood elves explicitly to create a twist on the general high elven trope.
But we all know Blizzard hated that idea as the story went on, so they fixed the Sunwell and turned us back into generic high elves.
But to this day Silvermmon City remains locked in time. It’s so laughably outdated, with statues of Kael’thas everywhere, but it harkens back to the days when Blood Elves were…well…to quote Kael’thas from Warcraft 3,
But we all know this version of Silvermoon is no longer canon. The fel crystals are gone, the warlocks were probably kicked out of their luxury sanctum (or joined the void elves who sometimes feel more blood elfy than blood elves ever did), the demon slave-drivers and the owner of the leper gnome sweatshops have long since been arrested. The authoritarian tendencies are gone, and their society seems basically perfect.
So, since Silvermoon will likely see a major update in the next expansion, I’m kinda curious: what exactly are they gonna do with Silvermoon? Because right now, it looks like they’re going to have to remove all the elements that separated it from a generic high elven city. Without the “edge”, what is left of Silvermoon?
I mean at least the architecture is still cool. MENA elves have always been a cool concept, but that’s literally all blood elves have left.
So what are they gonna replace it with? What can they do to make Silvermoon, and the Blood Elves, feel more distinct again?
Or are we all content with getting one of the most generic elven cities in gaming history?