So have we lost Blizzard?

Cannot be bad enough to stop playing though?

Blizzard had a better idea, just re-release old version of the game. We have WoW Classic, soon to have Classic TBC.

I just LOVE the players saying how great SL is (just like the ones who said how great BFA was - BTW I liked it). I am sure they are ALL waiting for the WoW Classic SL edition!

So it appears they’re going with “AND die” instead of “or die”.

The death we’re witnessing is so incredibly slow and undignified.

This is what happens when a par company gets taken over by a sub par company! I would be fine if they had just left lvl cap alone and stop squishing everything and making the player base feel like their starting all over again! I also believe in just let people lvl. Stop trying to make them immerse them self in the content believe me they will get enough of that! For god sake let people get a piece of gear!!! I have never since I started playing in vanilla, have a I run so many dungeon and not got anything!! This conduit crap is very confusing and find myself watching more videos on how to do them. Just come on stop trying to be he men and masters of the universe and be game designers!!!

10 60’s atm having no problem and enjoying life. All are minimum normal CN ready and most have legos. Not as hard as you think.

Yes, it is fun. I have 4 alts already, and planning on making another soon.

So how is it, first people say “who cares about lore lol” and now you bring it up as a point to balance the enjoyment. I’m sure 99% people just plays, accepts quests and does them without bothering about what it says. And the lore is like every other fantasy game.

Farming mindless systems and no loot, idk about you, but i’ve got the loot i wanted with low effort, just doing weekly and sometimes, m+. Not grinding any shlt, no need to rush things when there’s still like a month ahead for next tier, that will render most gear obsolete anyway

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Principal Skinner - It’s the Children Who are Wrong. - YouTube

no you didnt and yes you do. lolz

Many of the people that brought this game to life don’t even work here anymore. I hardly recognized anyone on these teams these days.

Keep that in mind. The shift in talent from the original minds and the current team(s) is way different from each other.

your opinion on the games quality is your opinion not everyone elses.

“Dude” is West Coast slang that can mean a lot of things depending on context and inflection. It certainly doesn’t mean “greenhorn” the way people use it there. And it isn’t seen as insulting. It can be a greeting, an interjection, a noun. It’s one of those words that depends an awful lot on HEARING it.

It’s similar to how I grew up saying “Come on you guys” to my female friends. The word “guy” sometimes meant a male person but it was also used as a non-gendered term for just whomever we were addressing.

Language is weird. And always changing. And regional.

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While poking around in Oribos I discovered an NPC by the name of Researcher Au’Daluk. He’s in Hall of Shapes sitting at a table.

When you speak to him the dialogue goes:

Greetings, traveler. I’m researching ancient relics here in the Shadowlands. Care to join me?

Then there is a little chat bubble to inquire a question from our character: Researching ancient relics? Like archaeology?

Then it goes to the next page of text, showing he doesn’t really understand what Archaeology is, and that he doesn’t believe there is anything like it in the Shadowlands.

But, the last lines are the most interesting:

You mortals may lose secrets to time, but things work differently here. However, if things change, I will be certain to let you know.

So there’s a bit of hope that someday we’ll get something Archaeology related in SL.

I think they just cut it after starting work on it. SL was half baked and needed another 6 months in the oven, at least.

Perhaps I’m just a bit of a dullard (quite likely :)), but I’m liking Shadowlands every bit as much as I’ve enjoyed the previous expansions. I think that if people just enjoyed the content, and didn’t fixate on the loot they got/don’t get they’d have more fun.

However, I admit that. as a non-raider, not having good gear is a lot easier pill to swallow than it is for someone who wants to push the content envelope.

And, of course, being a bit of a dumb bunny doesn’t hurt either. :slight_smile:

story arc is becoming the worst the more they reveal things (I can’t even believe this feels worse than wod)
features are mediocre conduits, soulbinds
anima drought for cosmetics clearly hardcore grinded to keep us playing over and over
most bugged expansion ever.

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be nice to have Hybrid specs back.

The idea that this is worse than BFA is crazy.

The single most enormous threat to stable society. Language only changes when there is an agenda to change it and the change is pushed into public use. Examples: Hyphenated people; PC; the convergence of antonyms into synonyms: “literal” and “figurative” thereby destroying concepts like “metaphor”… etc.

These changes are dangerous and should be made very carefully. The effort to gender-neutralize words like “dude” is part of the greater agenda to promote gender dysphoria and confusion. It’s not a healthy agenda.

Words have meanings and these meanings must not shift like the winds. Once society loses the ability to communicate with words of established meanings, society begins to disintegrate. Case in point… look around you.

No because they are releasing D2 remastered. That’s a real blizzard game and it will be considered timeless. D2 graphics were really really bad, D2 remastered graphics will never get old and the gameplay loop was already perfected.

That’s the last meaningful blizzard product that will ever be released though.

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Were you asleep for the last four years?