So glad I'm on Faerlina, here's why

Yes, it actually does make him somewhat famous. Your personal insults toward him as a person have zero bearing on anything, other than the fact that you should be suspended from the forums for violating code of conduct.


Lol? Do you not realize he has made millions from his stream? Much of it through donation and paid subscriptions.

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Mad Seasonā€™s You Tube videos on Vanilla WOW are great.


Okay cool but not close to as much as pro sports players.

I really donā€™t care about streamers but the irrational haters are as sad if not sadder than the fanboys.
You are acting like a 12 years old kid too.


Ok cool but not relevant to the conversation whatsoever. The guy is famous like it or not.

You keep using that word. That word doesnā€™t mean what you think that it meansā€¦

You do care, hence you and others talking about it.

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I can see advantages to being on a streamer heavy server. I can see downsides. If they played on a PvE server I might be tempted but I donā€™t care for PvP so meh.

Havenā€™t seen much of that in this thread.

Just saying, comparing their streams to sports stadiums, which have to have a max cap for safety, is a bit silly.

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Iā€™m actually 45ā€¦ and as said am entitled to my opinion which is I prefer the less juvenile of the twoā€¦ which is MadSeason by far.

What got this whole debate started anyway? My ā€œfamousā€ LOL comment. Didnā€™t mean to stir the pot peopleā€¦ at the end of the day I really donā€™t care.

Yaā€™ll have a good day. :slight_smile:

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If it floats your boat, go for it.

Iā€™ll continue on without looking for ā€œcelebritiesā€ to run into.

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Misconception, but I think you were being tongue and cheek.

I live near, and work there sometimes.

You wonā€™t find celebrities just wandering around Hollywood. They only show up there for staged events, typically the Chinese Theater.

Lol what are you even nitpicking at? The guy is popular enough to overflow many sports stadiums. That was the point, and if you canā€™t see that you are being willfully obtuse merely for the sake of opposition.

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Yea because people can sit at home and watch for free.


Noā€¦ I really donā€™t. I got a chuckle out of him being called ā€œfamousā€ then I got a bigger chuckle out of you comparing his stream to sports stadiums.

Iā€™m sure the next thing youā€™ll tell me is that makes Asmongold more popular than NFL football.

MadSeason is better. No debating it really. Iā€™ve said all I care to say on the topic. Nothing else to see here.

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Doesnā€™t make him not famous by any stretch, but keep trying. By that definition no one on twitter is popular because their tweets can be seen for free.

I see no harm in hanging with streamers.

Isnā€™t it like any other community that choose to associate?

In 2019: streamers are responsible for a huge lift to Classic. The twitch numbers were insane last week.

Donā€™t forget that they introduce the game to brand spanking new players. If you prefer traditional MMOS to the oncoming mobile takeover, you might even stop to appreciate what they have done in bringing new people to the desktop MMO.

So funny the streamer cucks.

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I said nothing about famous or not. Youā€™re the one who is on a rampage about that