So frost dk is done next patch?

No more stun for fdk and no real compensation. Kk…. Gj blizzard.


good frost dk is extremely toxic at below average ratings its a noob killer spec glad its gone tbh

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Lol says the hunter


It is just aoe rogue what are u talking about?

Exactly, we all want rogues gone as well.


they can probably make actual changes to the specs damage profile if they don’t have to consider it’s current playstyle

It’s probably a net positive for frost dk overall but defo a sad loss for those enjoying the last few expansions playstyle

IF they balance accordingly.

Right now, it’s a massive loss to lose the Remorseless winter stun with no compensation…it will be near impossible to land kills.

It’s a fun, unique playstyle they should keep. The issue ppl had before was in DF it was a 1 minute pillar go and run and do nothing the rest of the game. Now it’s 45 sec goes and the recent buff means Frost DK damage is actually good enough to pressure, stay in and land kills.

The new talent is so stupid for PvP, enemies just have to leap/blink/port away and the DK can’t do anything given it slows the DK…extra kicker is pillar CD goes back to 1 minute…

Silence still overrides Asphyxiate which means only having Absolute Zero stun every 1.5 minutes as a slow melee spec.

Removing this talent kills the spec and removes a unique playstyle spec which is not a good thing.

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I wish they wouldnt. Frost DK being like an AoE rogue is not fun for me.

They also reduced the defensives though and doubled down on the 1min go sadly.

So now its just a worse version of the 1min go.

Yeah this seems like a horrible talent lol. Massively slow yourself on your burst that everyone tried to kite/cc you on. Maybe death’s advance will override the slow? idk

Remorse stun removal will cripple fdk in shuffle/blitz. In 3v3 the evoker will be there to stun everything over your blind so it may still work. Really odd to do this without some immediate compensation though.


It’s hard because this is so polarizing

most people are sick of it
some people enjoy it

shadow duel I would say fits the same bill but it also got the same treatment

It probably isn’t the worst thing to hit the drawing board again and move on to the next era for frost dk
but I def do empathize with the few enjoying it


Frost just needs a redesign fundamentally on how it works.

Losing the stun wouldn’t be an issue if the toxic KM frost reaper was redone so the spec can function without pillar windows or guaranteed crits.

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Blizzard hates Frost DK, they hate Arthas and definetly hate all DKs playerbase.

It’s won’t be playable. They just need to add MS and make it another generic melee spec.


People have been clamoring for a rework for years, and it’s getting that rework, and it’s bound to upset people who were “mains” of the playstyle.

It feels like a rework in the wrong direction so far. Less defensives and more focus on the 1 min go (but without a stun).

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Sure, because they’re disproportionately tanky relative to every other class?

Right, but they also got a ton of sustained damage which people asked for. You can’t have chains and sustained damage and a lethal go every blind/pillar and be tankier than other classes.

Every time there has ever been a “rework fdk” post, there are always questions of, “what do you want to give up to get new things?”

I want to give up the 1 min uber go and have more sustain (and more defensives to stay in)

All i see is survivability nerfs and a new talent that doubles down on the 1min (now 45 second) burst:

Dk is already EXTREMELY survivable relative to other classes, though. Right now it has the uber go and sustained and survivability, so it’s losing some survivability.

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Is it? I feel like against casters that is true, but not melee

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It’s MORE tanky vs casters, obviously, but it’s still very durable into melee. Like sure, it dies to fury warrior, but so does EVERYTHING. And even then, dk is still. A lot tankier.

Also being able to rotate trinket and ibf for basically every go is pretty insane.