So for the terribly misnamed Classic Wrath?

If you want to be even more nit picky he’s also wrong about final patch because everyone forgets about ruby sanctum,. I didn’t forget, but thats because RS isnt really “content”.

Could you link this poll please?
I’m not finding one with the result you’ve mentioned.


the pserver dev posted that? might as well say that Sleepy Joe also started playing

why split the community even more, the servers are bad enough right now

There is no poll. It’s a fictitious ploy from anti LFD ppl to get pro LFD ppl to give up. A really weak tactic that will not slow the growing dissent against blizzards paid boosting cash grab. These problems could be easily resolved by adding some servers with RDF when wotlk is released. Both parties could be happy, but I believe the population on servers without RDF would dwindle down to a lesser population relative to the servers that have it.

The servers should be split because what blizzard did is a scam and players should be given a true classic experience which includes RDF.

how did they scam you? nowhere was is written when you purchased your sub that they were going to make the game the same way it was 15 years ago.

if youre not happy about the changes, you can stop playing already. They are on a path and they won’t change.

im sorry that your memories got messed up by Blizzard and i hope you can still have fun for the time you keep on playing.

Oh it absolutely can still change. That’s why I’m here posting. Stop telling me to give up. It’s a nasty thing to do. I’m committed to this issue not only for myself, but for the thousands of other people that have been cheated by this decision.

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im not telling you to stop, im just saying it probably won’t happen. people were making threads about it with hundreds of comments and they still have changed path.

Ok and? I will never quit.


See you in Wrath Classic were LFD won’t be a thing.

Yea whatever. Says you.

Says me?


Says Blizzard

Typical. Citing the crooks at blizzard who in turn cite you, their “community”. You and the anti LFD people are not the entire community. It’s cringe that you feed into blizzards cash grab for boosting.

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I know i left my tinfoil hat around here somewhere…

you lyin …

Please provide a link to this poll and the results.
Thanks and appreciate the cooperation.


Was it that dodeca-tuple secret probation poll I heard so much about?

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I am sure most dont care about dungeonfinder at all. Its just the people yelling and screaming for it who think the game will somehow be bad without.

Question. How would people feel about boosting if there were tokens involved? Don’t try to pretend, I bet at least half of all boosters buy their gold. I’m wondering if Blizzard has started taxing the sellers like the mob to let them continue. Boosting is pay to win, either you pay in sunk time most often on an entirely separate character (playing one so you don’t need to play the other, wow, fun), or you pay directly out of pocket if you’re a little shady. That and it’s the exact opposite of how the game should be played, you rarely see the dungeon, you don’t move, you don’t have a tank or a healer, but somehow that is “the classic experience?”