So explain "Dagger in the Back" Azerite trait

Ok, so what does this actually look like? Is there some automated dagger flinging mechanism in my chest armor? Is this like a Dr. Strange cape situation where my armor has some sort of cognition and can move itself to throw daggers periodically? I just want to know what I should be visualizing when one of my Azerite Traits randomly throws daggers from my armor at people.

How do any azerite pieces grant their traits? Dagger is a more obvious one, but really how would a hunk of metal proc Stormstrike, leave behind a “Glimmer of Light” with Holy Shock, or provide an absorb shield periodically?


Attunes you to the elements more allowing for additional Stormstrikes… seems more obvious than your armor shooting out daggers on it’s own. If it’s just “has daggers that you choose to throw randomly” as an explanation then why are there a.) no daggers visible and b.) I’m unable to do that with armor that does have visible daggers.

Seems more that I have self-aware armor that is throwing daggers on my behalf.

there is no logic when it comes to azerite. this is all we know.

It’s actually a rogue that follows you around randomly shanking people.

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Azerite armor with Dagger in the back trait

That’s why we don’t have tauren rogues! they’re all raised for the azerite trait shadow op unit!

From a gameplay standpoint it is very useful perk if your current class/spec does not have any DoTs as it allows them to get the sustained dmg they usually lack.

It is also useful in PVP when fighting rogues. A common rogue tacitc when battles are going south is to pop cloak of shadows which dispels all magic DoTs (DoTs break stealth) then vanish and run away. Because Dagger in a back is a bleed it is not dispelable by cloak of shadows meaning you have a better chance of finishing off the rogue.

From a lore standpoint you could easily say your character found some throwing daggers on the Azerite armor piece and learned how to use them.

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Or they’re chunks of crystalized azerite forming out of your armor that you break off and throw!

Dagger in the Back is one really strong trait especially if you get 3 of them and can keep an enemy turned away from you… like a pet taunting them. Use Move To so your pet isn’t moving them around.

Azerite empowers your abilities, sometimes causing the azerite applied to your enemies to open wounds in their skin/shell/etc., just like the wounds in Azeroth. This does bleeding damage, like a dagger wound would. Because Azeroth was stabbed in Silithus, arguably the butt end, it too prefers to attack from behind, being more effective there.

It’s the same way we can set up a campfire without carrying around the necessary items in our bags.