So... Earthen

anyone hear anything about when we’re actually gonna get these guys? Just found out they’ve been disabled.

Unlocked and relocked. lol

If you were lucky enough to be on within the first hour after it went live and finish the campaign and achievements without it glitching or bugging out, they’re already unlocked. The rest of the playerbase has to wait. Looks like there’s maintenance planned for Thursday, but idk if that’s to address the issues specifically.

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Thursday? wow. bummer.

Some lucky devils got in before they shut it down.


Thursday is maintenance. They’re going to bring Earthen back as soon as they have a fix. It could be in an hour, it could not be. We don’t know. They don’t know.

somehow the cinematic is on wowheads youtube channel

wont let me link it

Because it was up and they get their stuff from the files not in game

ohh… makes more sense

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i had to leave the scenario and rejoin 5 times for it to work for me
brute force ftw and the cut scene was 5-10 secs long lol

Hopefully soon for people who weren’t lucky enough to get them before the quests were disabled.

We have them Now. I have one.

Blizz also just updated 1 hr ago saying questline is reenabled. I got mine before it was disabled

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one time in earthen camp, they accidently put too much miracle grow in our lemonade…