So Dragonflight has atleast 3 months left

I dont see any hype for it and i dont see any highlights on the systems and what not… theyre still stuck on character talents and what not

Should we be worried or what

No you shouldn’t it’s literally in its finishing stages

Oh and there isn’t any like big systems it’s back to basics


There are no systems.


It’ll be fine.


like shadowlands? UWU


Like Shadowlands, it will be fine enough to keep you here, paying your sub with either gold or money. That seems to be their goal - remember they are a business!

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Lol funny enough Im not logged in for shadowlands LOL wotlk classic LETS GO

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As long as they get that cash baby! :moneybag::money_mouth_face::moneybag:

You might not be playing Shadowlands but you are indeed paying for it. There is no classic-only sub at this time (though I would support one).

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still not for shadowlands :person_shrugging:

naw its good. they have give or take 2 years after its release to fix everything and put all the finishing touches on it. /throwup

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“I refuse to read even the minimum amount of material about Dragonflight, but I am gonna go make a thread to bash it”


Im not bashing it lol what

what systems? there’s nothing “new”

just iterations on older stuff.

Nothing about the expansion has amazed me so far, and honestly that makes me cautiously optimistic. They’re not promising me the moon, they’re just making an expansion.

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You are right. This thread clearly isnt intended to throw a negative feeling towards the expansion.


I am right, asking a question =/= bashing

If you wanna be worried then go

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The only new systems is the talent redesign and dragonriding. Everything else is your usual game with hopefully less grinding in general since we dont have an AP grind to go through or something.


I see plenty of hype, even though I’m not feeling it.

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Believe it or not, the game is essentially what is known as “feature locked” at this point. That means everything but minor tweaks is set in stone. The systems, art, zones, etc. One of the last pieces of the puzzle is skill and talent tuning so they can also tune dungeons and raids properly. They can’t tune those until the skills and talents are in a good place. That’s why they’re focusing to intently on those right now, especially since we’re reverting to a hybrid Diablo 2/Vanilla WoW talent tree setup.

This is actually the most intense focusing on these systems that I’ve ever seen. I’m hoping it nets a really good feeling game in the end. I have my doubts on Shadow Priests due to things like Mind Sear now being an insanity spender meaning our AoE has ramp up which is a downgrade from its current form. But hopefully they’ll listen to feedback on these systems intently and make the necessary adjustments so that they don’t suck at launch.

There are those among us though that feel Dragonflight should be held back a bit longer to put real polish on it. The cramped testing periods are indicative of massive crunch. I know Blizzard likes to have holiday releases ready but if Shadowlands taught us anything it’s that the old “it’ll be ready when it’s ready” really is the way to go with a complex game like this.


Yes it’s wonderfully quiet. First time in years there is almost no drama about borrowed power systems prior to launch. No half baked features ( islands, warfronts, torghast) that are only “popular” for the AP grind….for borrowed power. No new abilities locked behind “meaningful choice”. No ridiculous gear grind to get the same abilities your lower pieces already had (azerite gear).

It’s literally just login, play the game, join Hiccup and friends on the island of Burk and enjoy the game.

It’s beautiful.