So do you guys want High Elves or update the Void Elves?

I don’t know. The other guy wasn’t really respectful to people’s opinions atleast in terms of his demands for high elves. So I just want to start a different one that is little more opened to people. Even if there are Antis who don’t like High Elves in general or just Alliance. They are feel to talk. Honestly I think the whole Blonde Blue Eye White High Elves is kind of outdated. That’s why I look towards the Warhammer Vermontide Hunter as a way to make Void Elves interesting. Or heck I could see the potential of more different void elf skin tunes.

You can feel free to talk about being a Dark High Elf if you want.

Yea. So anyways if you were a Void Elf and just wanted to be something bizare or ugly. Request away or better yet talk about insane ideas about why Void Elves should be updated or atleast something good.

Nah my blood elves are blood elves, my void elves are void elves. I have no need to pretend anything else. Oh and my space goats are space goats.

Is deleting the void elves an option?

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Ahh heck no. I love Void Elves.

Oh, good then. No need for high elves.

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Void Elves will never get a true Void update until High Elves are playable.

Blizzard won’t commit otherwise.

Took you long enough to show up.


Well, you failed.

But they are. As long as there’s people like me, others who are Respectable High Elf Fans, Void Elf, and etc. I say Blizzard will continue the Thalassian Story and actually finally give Void Elves a actually update instead of being forgotten.

You however kind of making those who wanted to see Alliance Thalassian Elves on the Spotlight worst. Honestly I’m kind of disappointed in you.

This is why your topic is doomed to die. You aren’t committed and will be easily bullied into silence by bad faith anti-HE players.

Come back and try again when your backbone doesn’t so easily snap to pressure. For you have no teeth in this while the real HE fans have been facing the same bad faith arguments for years. The aducatity to think you, who isn’t even committed nor tested, believe that you would be a better advocate for HEs? It’s pathetic.

You weren’t respectful either as your first post was dedicated to trashing High Elves and why they shouldn’t happen.

Your topic will die while my topics will get far more traffic and replies. That’s the difference between commitment.

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I want Kul’Tiran sized voidy elves.


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perks up

I mean . . . I can’t deny what I am.

chugs booze

Yep, I just thought you’d be on a HE post within 3 comments tbh.

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What can I say, gotta represent.



so moch tis, enf blizz wont do snytjing sbout it

High elves/blood elves neutral playable race like pandaren please !!! :hugs:

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Ugh, people still continuing these threads…

Well, another thread to mute.

they can give void elves an exclusive ferrari mount and im still not gonna unlock them lmfao

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