So Divine Hammer‘s every damage triggers Empyrean Hammer and Radiant Glory , is that Bug or?

its a strange feeling to play

its not a bug

until they decide it is a bug

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Its on the Hammer Fall or Shake the heavens tooltip now.
You can macro Hammers with a dps trinket and you can almost get 50 Lights Deliverance stacks in 1 Wake window

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I sure hope it is not a bug, because I love how many resources I’m generating right now. I feel like with the tier set, I may be able to extend Divine Hammers into a second ES+Wake window for some nutty Empyrean Hammer numbers. I’ve already gotten pretty close!

I know this is creeping up on Breath of Sindragosa levels of maintenance and reliance, but at least for the time being I am having fun.

As far as we can tell, for Empyrean Hammer it’s not a bug.

For Radiant Glory it most definitely is.

so dh got somewhat fixed, no icd, now damages after 2 seconds, not hasted duration.

its completely idiot proof

Where was it listed?
Wowhead just released an article listing the potential bugs.

it was hotfixed a hour after the article was posted, it was actually a very funny time in paladin discord. we all gathered to watch people hit high uptimes of dh now without issue.

you can test it yourself too. i would post screenshots but squishi themself came and said check dh cause 4 hotfixes was pushed for it


Can always count on Arahgon for the latest potential info.

My dawg, good lookin’ out. :wink:

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Is this why my Empyrean Hammer dmg is still so high after the 30% nerf?

yes, the nerf ended up being a net buff cause dh triggers hammers now

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