its a strange feeling to play
its not a bug
until they decide it is a bug
Its on the Hammer Fall or Shake the heavens tooltip now.
You can macro Hammers with a dps trinket and you can almost get 50 Lights Deliverance stacks in 1 Wake window
I sure hope it is not a bug, because I love how many resources I’m generating right now. I feel like with the tier set, I may be able to extend Divine Hammers into a second ES+Wake window for some nutty Empyrean Hammer numbers. I’ve already gotten pretty close!
I know this is creeping up on Breath of Sindragosa levels of maintenance and reliance, but at least for the time being I am having fun.
As far as we can tell, for Empyrean Hammer it’s not a bug.
For Radiant Glory it most definitely is.
so dh got somewhat fixed, no icd, now damages after 2 seconds, not hasted duration.
its completely idiot proof
Where was it listed?
Wowhead just released an article listing the potential bugs.
it was hotfixed a hour after the article was posted, it was actually a very funny time in paladin discord. we all gathered to watch people hit high uptimes of dh now without issue.
you can test it yourself too. i would post screenshots but squishi themself came and said check dh cause 4 hotfixes was pushed for it
Can always count on Arahgon for the latest potential info.
My dawg, good lookin’ out.
Is this why my Empyrean Hammer dmg is still so high after the 30% nerf?
yes, the nerf ended up being a net buff cause dh triggers hammers now