It doesn’t have to. Everyone doesn’t have to have the exact same stuff at the exact same time.
There’s literally always been rng involved in gearing up in general, and collecting tier pieces specifically.
I’m still struggling to comprehend why it’s suddenly a massive issue that you aren’t guaranteed 4/4 in just a handful of resets. Especially since everyone knows (or could find out) that the Catalyst is coming in a week and a half, which does offer that guaranteed way to shore up any slots they’re missing.
I agree, I have currently killed 45 tier bosses (multiple char) without a single one dropping. I have gotten lucky with two pieces in the GV although I’ve worked to fill all but the PvP slots. It sucks, and it also sucks the amount of loot that drops in general, not asking for tier in week one just some kind of reward from completing a raid. I did get lucky tonight and on final boss got an offhand has my first drop of the week. Last week, nothing. Week before, someone else’s drop only.
It has gotten to the point of feeling like we only raid for our GV selection, why even have drops anymore?
People want it NOW because they perceive themselves as less of a person when dps meter not big : (
Forced personal loot + class tokens (and 4 class tokens now for some reason) is also creating a dynamic we hadn’t seen before.
Since personal loot dictates the loot drops based on proportion of raid comp, what we’re seeing are the most-played classes (for example, Mage/Hunter/Druid, who are inexplicably on the same token) dropping over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. So those folks are already sharding tier drops.
Meanwhile, people on the Monk/Warrior/Rogue token, or the DH/DK/Warlock token…
Yep. This was common practice back in the day before personal loot. Reserved loot, wouldn’t invite competition that would roll on specific gear etc. Personal loot has solved a lot of those issues, but people find ways around it like the examples you stated.
basically Deterministic loot > random loot because rng being the determining factor means effort < luck
you can have both. but time gating the system to mitigate rng only makes the issue fester.
this patch has been the largest leap towards pay to win than there ever has been.
paying millions of gold for loot trades doesnt mean you win. but not doing it means you 100% dont win. if the game had better loot systems people who dont drop millions would still have a chance. /observation.
pvp, tier vs no tier is a bit of a spike in terms of dealing with it but over all its not nearly as big of a deal as getting weapons in the vault vs not. 1800 conquest for one 2H 3600 conquest for two specs. thats basically the difference between having 3-6 armor slots more gear vs not. over all though, its still more fine than tier drops because you can determine how to deal with what you get from the vault. you can choose to buy items that rng has not given you. where as other mode of content have no guarantee.
i have one tier item on this character and that only came from this week.
with a pvp focus, it will take at min another 2 weeks to get 4 set. and thats assuming 2 vaults have it and the catalyst opens
I think the thing I’ve seen most commented on is the drastic power gain with these current sets. Add in the fact that they took away master loot - and these instances where some players get 5 pieces before another player gets their first or second piece become more prevalent.
The combination of frequency and severity just makes the rng sting that much worse.
I never liked rng in vanilla. It doesn’t flow with the actual “role- playing” concept and I’ve seen a lot of players strongly hate it especially without a way to control against it like the mop system where you could buy and upgrade gear.
People say they shouldn’t be handed it for free, but while raiding this week filled with a pug twice on one of the last two bosses, had to invite a replacement pug because people leave as soon as they have what they need, and then they spend literally 10 minutes of their life and the game has rewarded them with tier. two for two! Needed one pug to fill it out, they stroll in, get their basically free tier piece after the majority has a couple hours into the raid that day. It basically rips your heart out.
Ah yes, “it’s always been that way!” - hope that generic write-off answer has carried you far in your career, doubt it though.
I always laugh when people make such an ignorant argument.
I cancelled my sub and probably will return once the time gates are done about August or so. Have a wonderful summer you all. I’ll be trying all the latest hot games. Blizzard frustrates me with their design choices and I find myself angry because of it. Better to give my cash to games that make me and my friends smile and enjoy each other.
It’s such a weird thing to say too, I brought up other topics and some people were like ‘‘It’s always been that way’’… does that mean it can’t be better, change or what have you. I feel like some people are just thick headed to any issue except their own.
It really sucks when RNG seems to forsake you. If you play long enough it will happen to everyone at least once (many people multiple times). I still find RNG an important part of any MMORPG and it makes it feel all that better when you do finally get said item. The issue with it now seems to stem from the large discrepancies it causes in regards to player power.
Back when WoW was younger ‘optimal’ was more ambiguous and less focus was placed on performance rating (there was none). Did player A perform their assigned task and stay alive? If the answer is yes then player A did a good job. In that regard bad RNG was just an annoyance. Now with all the comparisons and ratings players either feel inferior and/or are judged inferior because of RNG. If things continue on this path I think Blizzard needs to really shorten the gap between BiS and non BiS items.
This seems to be a prevailing theme.
Hopefully enough people go to other games so we can finally see some reasonable changes to WoW.