So... did they just retcon every act of "Morally Grey" or "Evil" Alliance has done since MoP?

No, it’s actually reading and understanding the lore and structure of the setting and recognizing parts that do and do not belong.

Like if Blizzard suddenly declared that the Alliance was a tributary organization beholden to the horde (who had defeated them with minimal effort any time they dared to attack them) and that humans were quadrupeds I would turn around and say “No, that’s dumb and contradicts everything that we know about the setting”.

Pray tell: in this hypothetical how gleefully would you continue to argue blizzard can do no wrong?

The truth usually is.

Tell me again how mad you’re not.

I see you haven’t gotten it.

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LOL!!! Newsflash: YOU don’t decide what belongs, Blizz does.

This is absolute gold. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

No argument at all. It’s THEIR characters and lore. THEY, not you not I, make the

Dude, our side won and you fools were put into camps. Sounds like a win to me

No actually I get to call them out as do others.

I’ll give you credit for consistency if nothing else though It does come back around to my point that if the lore is this mutable then it doesn’t actually exist.

Tell me again how mad you’re not.

It’s funny because for a second I thought you’d actually figured it out but then you went and edited your post.

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Heh-heh. You can call, shout, stomp your feet, hold your breath, do whatever you want. They will still decide what to do with THEIR characters.

Blizz is laughing at guys like you (and so am I). :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Unlike you.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, bruh…but welcome to the world of Blizzard. Unlike you, I don’t sweat it with whatever lore they decide.

Dude, our side won and you fools were put into camps. Sounds like a win to me

I mean they can certainly do whatever they want due to proprietary rights. Just like as a customer and someone who actually knows the lore can tell them that they’re wrong.

It’s hilarious that you’re trying to play this card after having argued for… what? 5? 6 hours about it?

Tell me again about how mad you’re not.

Vaguely curious if you’re gonna figure this out at all.

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That doesn’t change one iota of what I said: You can call, shout, stomp your feet, hold your breath, do whatever you want. They will still decide what to do with THEIR characters.

They (and me as well) are probably laughing at guys like you in their offices because when all is said and done, you’re STILL giving them your money while pouting like a little girl. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Dude, that’s ALWAYS been my card. You’re just late to the party.

Dude, our side won and you fools were put into camps. Sounds like a win to me

Yeah it sure is smart antagonizing your player base that isn’t growing.

I literally came into this discussion with you arguing about Rexxar and demanding lore sources.

Tell us again about how mad you are.

I’m sure you’ll figure this out eventually.

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And what are YOU gonna do?? All you can do is stomp your feet and hold your breath like a little girl, but you yourself are STILL going to give them YOUR money. This stuff must be hilarious to them (and me). :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

And I gave them to you. You yourself begrudgingly admitted Rexxar made his decision AFTER they lost. Like I said, you’re the one late to the party.

Dude, our side won and you fools were put into camps. Sounds like a win to me

If I reach a point where I’m not enjoying the story or the plot I dip. Done it before and I don’t have a problem doing it again.

I’d suggest you re-read what was written.

Tell me again about how mad you’re not.

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Suuuurree you will. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

But in the meantime, open your pockets and give up your money to a company that, what was that you said: “actually I get to call them out as do others.” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Absolute gold.

Exactly! It was the foundation of the entire franchise. This isn’t ESO!


Well said.

I’ve done it before. Really don’t have a problem stepping away if the writing and lore fully goes into the toilet.

Tell me again how mad You’re not.

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LOL!!! You sound like the guy who says: “I get get off crack anytime I want. I really can.” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

In the meantime, right now, they’re taking YOUR MONEY, mr. “Blizz is wrong.” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The foundation was Humans Vs. Orcs, (WCI) then it became Alliance Vs. Horde (WCII). WCIII, and the expansion for that made the fight ALiiance+Horde Vs the Burning Legion/Scourge.

Now there has often been AvH in Warcraft, but it could have easily gone to united coalition vs. ragtag band of those just trying to make their way, or natural vs tech, or any other XvY reason and still maintain AvH, which is the core of the game.

One reason we have started to lose AvH is cause fools/idiots/morons can’t get the fact it is not always good vs. evil as a core storyline.


Tell me again how mad you’re not.

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LOL!!! You’re still on that, mr:

Sound just like a guy on crack. Just give them your money. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Tell me again, how mad you’re not.

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LOL!!! Give up your money, dude, while you stomp your feet. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Tell me again how mad you’re not. I really want to know.

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