So Demoralizing

I spent literally 2 hours on Dark Animus. We wiped every single time. I’m told tanks are supposed to be able to handle two golems at once. I just couldn’t as a bear tank with almost 900k health. Eventually my entire group left. For some godforsaken reason, it looks like Throne of Thunder normal in Remix works like a Mythic lockout in retail, even though WoWpedia says it’s flexible. I would have an incredibly hard time trying to make another group, and I wouldn’t be able to join one. Now I was told in a different thread that somehow I could tank the two fo then without them being buffed? The icy veins guide I checked didn’t help.

Like, it’s just sad. Three days of my playtime wasted just trying to clear normal ToT. Why do we need to clear whole raids like this in one sitting?


The scaling is really disgusting and everything is just a one-shot…

I also want to mention how crappy it is to get the bones of Mannoroth…
Because LFR gets nothing and Normal only gets one…
Rip Kor’kron Wolf

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Who wants to bet its borked, and its actually Mythic difficulty to begin with?

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Throne of Thunder never had a Mythic difficulty.

Yes, but who wants to bet that some sgetti code borked it, and made it mythic difficulty?

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That would mean it added mechanics that don’t exist.

This is what I’m referring to by the lockout being changed.

Used for: Normal difficulty raids from Wrath of the Lich King through Throne of Thunder.

You can only kill a boss once per week, and you may not enter an instance where a boss is alive that you have already defeated that week.
You can move from group to group during a week as long as you’re joining instances that don’t have bosses alive you’ve already killed.

I know they changed it so all raids would have a daily lockout, but did they really also make it strict instance ID? We had someone try to join who only killed up to Dark Animus, just like our raid, and they couldn’t get in.

I mean in terms of health and damage output by the bosses, not the addition of new mechanics.

Dark Animus doesn’t have that much HP, the only things that hurt are the zealed up little guys and if Dark Animus hits 100 energy when it starts the wipe move. It’s just a bad fight that even back in the day was a guild breaker. It’s an awful fight if it isn’t done right, and a boring fight if it is.

I would actually like someone to explain to me how raid lockouts for normal raids are supposed to work here. Today, like I mentioned, I wasn’t able to invite someone who had killed up to Dark Animus, which is what my group had. But a few a days ago, o just remembered, I was somehow able to enter a lockout of someone who had killed up to Durumu, when I had killed the first four bosses. Someone in my group earlier claimed it was a strict instance ID, but if that’s the case, how was I able to accept a lockout from someone else a few days ago? Unless I’m misremembering or delusional.

Sorry if this is a confusing post. I explained it as best as I could.