So crests…

Only way to get drakes is from 0s, +2 drops wyrms but then the +2 gear needs to be upgraded with drakes until 5/8 which we can only get from 0s and that’s time gated since we can only do so many a week. Make that make sense? Or am I just tripping?


Normal raid bosses also drop Drake’s Awakened Crests.

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Good to know, that’s still time gated though, which sucks.

I’ve capped on every crest (except Aspect’s) both weeks so far, so the timegate is based on the week not where you can get the crests. Though having non-repeatable drops as the only way to get said crests means that if anyone doesn’t cap for the week they may not be able to reach the new cap the next week… I think there’s other sources, but I’m unsure as I’m not really paying attention to Drake’s and more focused on Wyrm’s and Aspect’s.

Do you not get drakes from the world events?

I thought you did for some reason

Wowhead says the following:

Mythic +0 Dungeons, Normal Raid Bosses, Weekly Events, Weekly Quests, Activities, Rare Elites.

You always have the option to downgrade Wyrm crests to Drake crests

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Dont ever do that

Instead remember that capping a higher rank crest means you will obtain the lower rank instead until you also cap that. So running a +2-6 normally gives Wyrm, but if you cap on Wyrm, you will start getting Drakes from them.


Doing the raid on normal and doing a couple of the 0s each week will keep you at or over capped on them.
If you fall to far behind weekly cap the only way i think is grinding events but right now you can definitly catch up with it being week 2 pretty quickly.

a single normal raid almost caps you for the week…

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The best approach to crest farming is to simply do keys in the highest bracket you are able to. Given once you cap on wyrms for example, any crests you get after will turn into drakes. So not only are you getting crests, you are also farming out gear and trinkets you may want or need at the same time. Then just do a raid clear of the highest difficulty you are able to and you’re good to go.

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Running lfr normal and heroic will leave you 20 crests from capped with whelping drake and wyrm.

Well there is also a weekly cap, so it’s not like you can farm them forever anyways.

Yeah, I just ended up running normal, but I didn’t run it last week so I’m behind I guess.

Just a PSA in case folks haven’t already noticed; they restored the Whelp crests to the Dreamsurge green puffballs.

I mean yeah, but even then keys tend to be more efficient given you have a higher chance of getting gear, along with pig raids tend to be very volatile.

This is what I wanna know. Right now, seems like only the weekly events give drake awakened crests in open world.

You’re not trippin’, the system is intentionally designed to be worse and worse for payers for each iteration since it was reimagined from Diablo 4 (a game literally nobody enjoys a month after release).

The work around is cap on Wyrms and use the trickle-down effect to start earning Drakes instead. Running a Heroic awakened raid can bang through that weekly Wyrm cap pretty fast (albeit not in full).

But do not do that, it is bait.

It’s just not profitable or efficient for m+ enjoyers. The gear is 515 max which we don’t need, will never need, we are getting heroic+ gear in m+.

I guess if one was in a very particularly desperate need for Drakes, like constant capping on Flightstones or has unlimited play time or something, but at that point, it’s by far more profitable and efficient to run m+ with the Wyrm cap, and get heroic+ loot instead of crappy champion loot from raid that you will not use or upgrade.