So, collecting things is a mental disorder now?

Oh please, I’ve been collecting Pokemon since the days of Red and Blue, if you have issues, then I have a frigging epidemic controlling me.

These people giving you a hard time know nothing

Why do you assume playing 50 characters means you have to play 24/7?

You have no idea what people are doing with those characters, how many hours they play each of them, when they leveled them in the past 15 YEARS.

I guarantee there are people with zero alts who play more wow than some people with 50 alts.


I don’t LIKE outside, stop telling people to do things they don’t enjoy


You cant hoard what you dont own.

The mental disorder is in you caring what other people think of you making a massive amount of alts.

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There’s a show that’s on A&E just for you, and it’s called Hoarders, just saying.

People who point at others with disparaging comments are usually talking about themselves - its more about them, than you. So, try not to let those people bother you.

Omg,thought this was a fantasty -pleasure game not a second job. My guess some people can’t get away from their job.

Collecting things to the point of obsession can be a mental disorder. If you neglect other parts of your life and responsibilities (personal or otherwise) then it is a problem.

If it isn’t an obsession and your life allows the collection then more power to you.


I have legit nothing to do, if I didn’t play wow I’d probably watch netflix all day or play more overwatch lol. Playing wow isn’t keeping me from doing anything because there’s nothing to be done. I could make stuff up of course but why do that when I already have wow :man_shrugging:

That’s great. I have too much to do at times.

Hopefully only things that lead to happiness :slight_smile:

Hoarders don’t think they have a problem either…

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when sl drops, if you want one of each class/spec, there will be 76 characters, alliance and horde. the 50 character limit should have been raised a long time ago.

and any way, if youre going to tell someone how to play the game, pay for their sub

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You can collect things and then you can hoard things. The line between the two is a fine one. This is speaking generally, not necessarily about alts.

That being said, if you want more than 50 characters, open up a second account.

Raise the cap. I’d even go as far as to say get rid of the cap altogether.

i do not think now , it always is , coleshin is need 2 be stop , 4 it is hording , if u want more u can make more acct or delete some of them , get them back if u want but hold them in delete char bin

Honestly, they probably don’t understand the idea that the goal is to have 1 of each class/race combo or something like that. Not to play all of them at once or maintain the things. just to get them level capped, maybe gear them in early gear and call them complete.

and still wish they’d let us just buy up the character slots, That way everyone comes out winning. Leveling and collecting toons is a relaxing hobby you can do while watching stuff on another monitor and things.

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Unian, you know I love you and all, but my main issue with upping the cap, is all the names y’all cappers take up, and many of those chars don’t get used heavily. I am reminded of it every time I try and name a new character, and I am nowhere near 50 characters. It doesnt feel fair, and even now I hate my Warlocks name because it felt like I had to settle after trying forever just to get a name that TOOK. How many more names do you want to take up? 100? 200?

It feels like this concern is always without fail ignored by people requesting the cap to be raised, and that there is zero care given to the people other than y’all that it actually effects.

What if I told you that you can make 7 more free accounts on your bnet and camp 350 names :open_mouth:

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