Delete Please

Wow, this is completely different than the version I saw. I stand corrected and apologize for the confusion.

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They may have had a base version and updated it later.

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Yeah, the version I saw was a rainbow effect in the middle and a lightblue wing on one side and a lightpink wing on the other.

Please read what has been discussed in the thread. Chromie uses she/her pronouns in both forms and that is intentional. She used to go by he/him but not anymore


She kept some dragon bits.

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Evoker's lust is amazing Here, this has the video on the version I saw.

Maybe the colors are in some way customizable or random?

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Literally I have not seen it anywhere where he himself stated this was a personal preference. As I have already said in this post:

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Hello, I see you posted a thread about a fictional character. What I enjoy about the responses is the fact many of the people using “word of god” for Chromie being trans are the same people constantly claiming Anduin is gay with Wrathion even though the same “word of god” has already said Anduin is straight! Talk about hypocrisy! Also, Wrathion is a child!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


You sound a lot like a member of the ‘T’ squad…


People think Anduin is in love with Wrathion because he punched him in the face.

I think that’s the opposite of what punching someone means.


I don’t think either one is gay. I think modern blizzard character design is just super effeminate so it makes everyone look gay.


The internet shippers think that two characters existing in the same room together is immense amounts of sexual tension between the two.

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God damn Pride Month is to blame for this assumption all the time… as a gay man who doesn’t act this way, it really ticks me off.

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It is literally a matter if there is a 0.1% chance Chronomu is trans, then Chronomue is trans without a doubt. End of story.

So you’re trying to say you think all gay people look ‘super effeminate’


Nice try, troll. Thanks for playing.

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Why trans? Why not drag queen? Or a very feminine male? Why does trans get all the spotlight when I’m sitting here as an intersex man wanting my own character to relate to. Nothing disproves my side of belief either you know.

I mean everyone is defending the transgender idea when nothing has been canonically confirmed that it’s this specifically. Unless Chronormu says so himself in-game or what-have you, or Blizzard just comes out and says “He’s transgender”, I’ll stick with my own beliefs about him tyvm.

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What is even going on here lol.

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Idk why people can’t accept the pronouns. I’m tired of going in circles. Chromie is going to be using she/her pronouns whether some of you like it or not. It’s blatantly rude to keep using the wrong pronouns when you have been told multiple times.

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I don’t believe they were going all religious nut on you there; in some literary discussion forums “ word of god” refers to statements by the author of the work under discussion. Thus Professor Dumbledore is gay even though the Harry Potter books don’t say so, but because J. K. Rowling has said so.

Assuming you weren’t just being sarcastic of course.