So Chimera Shot is the new and improved Lava Burst

Look at all the hunter sock puppets coming in one after another. (is that you Bowzo? You usually post from your main… so I dunno Lots of Sockpuppets though.)

If your argument is “Oh yeh, well your class was OP first” …then you’re a dull goober- for two reasons.

  1. Hunters have been broken since Phase 1. (Starsurge got the forum limelight, so grats to ya.)
    Got even more broken in Phase 2 with BM Munters. (Twin Rockbiter and VP/Dispersion got the limelight, so grats to ya.)
    Then got even MORE broken in Phase 3 with MM/Munter/Trap buffs. (Burn got the limelight, so grats to ya.)
    And are now more broken than ever in P4.

  2. Shamans got nerfed/destroyed in P3, and again in P4. (Burn rune is still there for some godsforsaken reason…but other stuff is falling off like late stage leprosy.)

And btw: My main alt is Hunter… it’s a gatherer in crap AH gear and ranking last week was a joke. I’m not even very good with a hunter… but I was kicking everyone’s ***. (The only challenge was the damnable bubble’d paladins.)
15 Second CD on a 30 yard range, 20 Second Incapacitation? (My favorite for making sure boomies and healers can’t play the game…I have it on good authority that their favorite dish is the Freezing Trap into a Viper Sting so they get to chill out and watch the blue bar drop.)
15 second CD on a non dispelable area effect slow/root? (You can cleanse one instance, but it is immediately reapplied faster than the GCD)

You are very likely about to get a maassssssssive nerf…your only defense has been “oh yeah well look at that other spec that was also busted!”

Hunters get +20% to all stats baseline and a +40% damage bonus baseline, now. They scale extroardinarily well. This isn’t classic, they have absurd scaling now.

No one is playing BM hunter

I am… and I’m still destroying PvP with it.

How do you think people are fairing against the LW specs? :stuck_out_tongue:

They’re not because pet hunter is dead, especially in PVP where the pet is instantly killed. You’re just one of the terminally online WoW forum trolls.

Just because it’s not meta…doesn’t mean it’s dead.

And btw: The biggest problem with the hunters is NOT the spec specific stuff… it’s the Trap Launcher + Combat Traps + CD reduction.

Soo… you’re one of the sockpuppets then?

I’m providing examples of PvP pain points… and you’re providing:

Because apparently nobody (you) figured out that you keep the pet on passive so it doesn’t go chasing off into the meat grinder and keep it on you for stuns and damage to protect you or the rest of the backline from dives and stealthies.

Nope, not doing as much damage as the Marktards… but the battlefield control is unrivaled.
Have you tried a WSG recently as anything but a hunter?

ah yes commonly stated by everyo-

wait no just you lol

hunters were not on ele level of game breaking in group PVP last phase. they were certainly strong though

this phase hunter definitely gonna be a major pain tho

You are nearing 2k posts here on a SoD shaman FOTM reroll character. Get a life dude.

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Eh sounds like he just needs to get a sock puppet so he isn’t post count shamed :rofl:

I mean I could do that.

it really isn’t worth my time…huntard didn’t bother checking to see if I suffered through Shammy Phase 1 before spouting off about FOTM reroll… (which smells a lot like projection.)

Dumping my post count wouldn’t change how obtuse the clown is.

clearly hasn’t went against spriests since the nerf

That’s because they post multiple non sense threads day after day. I’ve had them on “forever ignore” since about day 3 of them posting. Which is why I have suggested to Blizzard multiple times then when I put a poster on “forever ignore” that any thread they make should be auto muted or there is no point to the ignore function.

How someone can spam the forums with troll posts, non sense etc to that degree and still be able to post should probably get an achievement in game.

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Worth your time…? You spend it all posting here. Why on earth would I sift through your 1974 forums posts? I don’t care about you this much. I just entered your troll thread to berate you for being a moron.

Well that backfired horribly, didn’t it…

Hunters have no utility at all, they should be at the top of the DPS meters and also they should kill people in two globals. They don’t have any utility.

heh what counts as utility to you ?


3% spell crit to your party.

IF hunters could contribute SOMETHING to their party/raid??? Their damage would not be justified.

being able to aoe slow people and root them randomly at choke points isnt utility?

How does that even compare to bringing a mage’s crit from 51% to 54%???

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if melee chars cant move , they do no damage .

better than even 20% crit since you can take them out at your pleasure.